Application areas and exposure principles for in vitro lung cell research

Explore Application Areas and Exposure Principles for in vitro Inhalation Research VITROCELL® devices are designed to evaluate the potential health risks of inhalable substances without relying on laboratory animals. These […]


Collaborative Breakthrough in Lung-on-Chip Technology

Collaborative Breakthrough in Lung-on-Chip Technology: AlveoliX, Vitrocell, University of Bern and Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland Drive Advances in Human Respiratory Research AlveoliX, in collaboration with Vitrocell Systems, the […]


Dry Powder Exposure of Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) Cell Cultures: VITROCELL PowderX System

The VITROCELL PowderX Exposure System is the ideal tool for aerosolisation of small quantities of dry powders and particle deposition on cells cultured in 12- or 24-well sized inserts. It […]


96-well Exposure of Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) Cell Cultures on HTS Plates: New VITROCELL® 96 Continuous Flow Exposure System

The VITROCELL® 96 Continuous Flow Exposure System represents a breakthrough in high-throughput research involving human cell cultures or tissues exposed directly to airborne substances such as gases, complex mixtures and […]


VITROCELL® Remote Assist Support

  VITROCELL in-vitro-Expositionssysteme werden spezifisch nach Kundenwunsch gefertigt. Unsere Kunden aus ­Forschung & Entwicklung haben meist sehr komplexe Anforderungen an die Anlage. Daher werden Produktschulungen sowie Service & Support von […]


VITROCELL® AES for toxicity testing of airborne particles

DOI:10.3791/61210 Hedwig M. Braakhuis1, Ruiwen He1,2, Rob J. Vandebriel1, Eric R. Gremmer1, Edwin Zwart1, Jolanda P. Vermeulen1, Paul Fokkens1, John Boere1, Ilse Gosens1, Flemming R. Cassee1,2 1National Institute for Public […]


New VITROCELL® Millicell Holder

The revolutionary new holder system enables for the use of standing inserts in all modules of the VITROCELL® 12 Series for 12-well sized inserts. As an additional advantage, the media […]
