We are pleased to announce the promotion of Ana Mata to the role of Chief Financial Officer of Tentamus North America. Ana first joined Tentamus in 2017 as a consultant […]

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Ana Mata to the role of Chief Financial Officer of Tentamus North America. Ana first joined Tentamus in 2017 as a consultant […]
From March 10–11, 2025, a three-member expert review panel, led by Pan Wei, Kang Wenbin, and Liu Haixin, conducted the first on-site evaluation of Mingcheng Tengde Testing Services (Fuzhou) Co., […]
Buckwheat has become increasingly popular as a gluten-free grain alternative in recent years and is also known for its many health benefits, such as higher quality ingredients compared to conventional […]
Buchweizen als glutenfreie Getreide-Alternative ist in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend beliebter geworden und ist auch bekannt für seine vielfältigen gesundheitlichen Vorteile, wie z.B. hochwertigere Inhaltsstoffe als herkömmliche Getreide. Trotz seiner […]
At the end of December, the European Union published Regulation (EU) 2024/3190. This new regulation governs the use of Bisphenol A (BPA) as well as other bisphenols and bisphenol derivatives […]
Die Europäische Union hat Ende Dezember die Verordnung (EU) 2024/3190 veröffentlicht. Diese neue Verordnung regelt die Verwendung von Bisphenol A (BPA) sowie weiterer Bisphenole und Bisphenolderivate, die aufgrund ihrer gefährlichen […]
Precision Analysis – A Tentamus Company launches new National Collection Service. This innovative service is set to transform quality testing accessibility for food manufacturers across the UK. Our National Collection […]
India has achieved a strong footing in global trade and commerce with many sectors participating and exporting products. Thus, maintaining the best standards of quality is the most essential factor […]
We now offer accredited rapid tests for Pseudomonas and Coagulase-positive Staphylococci in food. These methods have been validated according to the ISO 16140-2 standard and verified in our laboratory. The […]
Ab sofort bieten wir akkreditierte Schnellmethoden zur Untersuchung auf Pseudomonaden und Koagulase-positive Staphylokokken in Lebensmitteln an. Diese Methoden wurden gemäß der ISO 16140-2 gegen das ISO-Normverfahren validiert und in unserem […]