Europe’s leading provider of AI software for pathology, Mindpeak (Hamburg), has announced groundbreaking work with leading expert pathologists to improve AI-assisted cancer diagnosis. The collaboration on a "PD-L1 Cell Atlas" […]

Europe’s leading provider of AI software for pathology, Mindpeak (Hamburg), has announced groundbreaking work with leading expert pathologists to improve AI-assisted cancer diagnosis. The collaboration on a "PD-L1 Cell Atlas" […]
Mindpeak announces the CE-mark for another new product: Mindpeak Breast HER2 RoI (Region of Interest) supports pathologists in the scoring of digital images of breast cancer tissue, which underwent immunohistochemical […]
Mindpeak, European leader in Artificial Intelligence in Pathology, today announced the launch of a new CE marked deep learning algorithm for Lung Cancer diagnosis. “Mindpeak Lung (NSCLC) PD-L1 (SP263) RoI“ […]
Mindpeak, European leader in Artificial Intelligence in Pathology, today announced the launch of a new CE marked deep learning algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis. "Mindpeak Breast Ki-67 HS" is the […]
Mindpeak, europäischer Marktführer im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Pathologie, gab heute die Markteinführung eines neuen CE gekennzeichneten Deep-Learning-Algorithmus für die Brustkrebsbefundung bekannt: “Mindpeak Breast Ki-67 HS” ist weltweit […]
Mindpeak aus Hamburg und die in den USA ansässige Crosscope Inc. (Mountain View, CA) bieten ab sofort gemeinsam eine umfassende Lösung für die digitale Pathologie an, die somit nicht nur […]
Germany based Mindpeak GmbH (Hamburg) and USA based Crosscope Inc. (Mountain View, CA) are now teaming up to deliver a comprehensive solution for digital pathology to be used not only […]
Paige, the global leader in AI-based diagnostic software in pathology, and Mindpeak, the European leader for AI-based software for image analysis in pathology, today announced a distribution partnership, which will […]
Paige, der weltweit führende Anbieter von KI-basierter Diagnosesoftware in der Pathologie, und Mindpeak, der europäische Marktführer für KI-basierte Bildanalysesoftware in der Pathologie, gaben heute eine Vertriebspartnerschaft bekannt, die es Pathologen […]
Das Hamburger Unternehmen Mindpeak und Gestalt Diagnostics aus Spokane, WA, verzeichnen einen großen Erfolg auf ihrem Weg zur Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung durch digitale Pathologie und künstliche Intelligenz (KI). BioReference Laboratories, […]