The link between State Aid Law and the provision of SGEI causes uncertainty among public authorities as they face a conflict of interests: On the one hand, public bodies are obligated […]

The link between State Aid Law and the provision of SGEI causes uncertainty among public authorities as they face a conflict of interests: On the one hand, public bodies are obligated […]
The ultimate goal of public procurement is to spend public money in an efficient and proper manner to achieve best value for money. Given the economic significance of public procurement in […]
Ensuring efficient and reliable controls as well as drawing up, certifying and submitting payment applications and annual accounts to the European Commission can be challenging. Meeting the requirements and assessment […]
The EFFL Conference is an established annual event organised under the auspices of the European Food and Feed Law Review, bringing together experts from both public and private sectors. This […]
State aid rules for agricultural and rural development measures present the double challenge of implementing the general principles of competition and State aid law and having to guarantee coherence with […]
Basierend auf den Inhalten der Fachzeitschrift „Umweltrechtliche Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis“, kurz „UWP“, und in Zusammenarbeit mit Oexle Kopp-Assenmacher Lück Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB freuen wir uns auf unser bereits […]
European Public Procurement law aims to ensure that the activities of the State, when entering into contracts relating to the purchase of goods and services, adhere to economic principles and […]
The Lexxion Training on the Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) helps you understand the relevant State aid compliance requirements and offers you to apply the GBER and the State aid […]
The purpose of management verifications is to observe the legality and regularity of expenditures in compliance with EU legislation. They play a crucial role in the financial management and control […]
Das Hybrid Seminar Chemikalienrecht außerhalb der EU beleuchtet in diesem Jahr die Chemikalienregulierungen in ausgewählten Industrie-und Handelsländern, wie der Schweiz, Israel, Indien, China und Neuseeland und zeigt auf, welche Meldungs- und Registrierungspflichten es hier zu berücksichtigen […]