Often before industrial machinery start showing issues that require immediate maintenance, pending problems can be detected through minute vibration changes. Therefore, the first component of effective condition monitoring is a […]
Autor: Firma Teledyne FLIR
FLIR Systems Announces Industry-First Thermal and Visible Videoscope for Underground Utility Vaults
FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) today announced the FLIR VS290-32™, an industry-first, videoscope that combines thermal imaging and a visible camera specifically designed for safer and more efficient inspections of […]
FLIR Machine Vision Cameras are Headed to Mars!
On July 30th, NASA successfully launched their Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission, scheduled to land on the Red Planet on February 18th, 2021. The primary mission is to search for […]
FLIR präsentiert die Elara FR-345-EST zum schnellen und präzisen Screening nach erhöhter Körpertemperatur
Während die Angestellten wieder in ihre Büros zurückkehren, der Flugreiseverkehr wieder anläuft und die Fans allmählich wieder in die Stadien strömen, spielt Technologie, die sich auf den Schutz der Gesundheit […]
How Thermal Technologies Improve Facility Security and Workforce Safety
Blind spots in surveillance coverage, incompatible video and access control systems, lack of adequate perimeter measures-these are common issues that facility directors must address with their security teams. At the […]
Interfaces for Machine Vision
Choosing the right interface for your machine vision application is a key decision in your camera selection process. The following sections provide an overview of the different types of cables […]
FLIR Systems präsentiert vier neue tragbare Wärmebildkameras der Exx-Serie
FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) hat am 8. Oktober vier neue fortschrittliche Wärmebildkameras seiner Exx-Serie vorgestellt: die E96, E86, E76 und E54. Im Vergleich zu ihren Vorgängermodellen bieten die neuen […]
FLIR Introduces Elara FR-345-EST for Rapid and Accurate Elevated Skin Temperature Screening
As employees continue returning to the office, travelers start flying again, fans slowly return to stadiums, technology that focuses on maintaining health and safety in semi-public and private venues remains […]
FLIR Systems Announces Four New Exx-Series Handheld Thermal Imaging Cameras
FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLIR) today announced four new additions to its Exx-Series of advanced thermal imaging cameras: the E96, E86, E76 and E54. Compared to predecessor Exx-Series cameras, the […]
New FLIR GF77 Gas Find IR Series Increases the Versatility of FLIR’s Uncooled Gas Detection Solutions
The new FLIR GF77™ Gas Find IR Series provides professionals with the flexibility to use one uncooled gas detection camera for gas detection and thermal inspections across chemical and industrial […]