Fischer Connectors, the Swiss-based global leader in high-performance connectivity solutions, announces the launch of the Fischer KEYSTONE™ 6 wearable power and data hub for dismounted soldiers. • The Fischer KEYSTONE™ […]

Fischer Connectors, the Swiss-based global leader in high-performance connectivity solutions, announces the launch of the Fischer KEYSTONE™ 6 wearable power and data hub for dismounted soldiers. • The Fischer KEYSTONE™ […]
The Fischer family founded Conextivity® Group to meet the connectivity challenge posed by the emergence of new cross-functional and scalable ecosystems, from locally interconnected devices and sensors to cloud-managed IoT […]
The Swiss-headquartered Fischer Connectors Group continues to push the boundaries of high-density miniaturization in connectivity. Its ultra-miniature, rugged series of connectors, cable assemblies and electronic solutions has been extended to […]
“Die neue Revolution wird durch das Zusammentreffen von drei digitalen Technologien vorangetrieben: allgegenwärtige Vollspektrum-Sensorik, 5G-Netzwerke und künstliche Intelligenz“ – Fischer Connectors in ‘The Connectivity Challenge’ (Trend Paper). Stand #8249 (Halls […]
“The new revolution is driven by a confluence of three digital technologies: ubiquitous full-spectrum sensing, 5G networks, and artificial intelligence” – Fischer Connectors in ‘The Connectivity Challenge’ (Trend Paper). “Army […]
The Red Dot Design Awards stand for outstanding achievements in product design. The jury evaluates thousands of entries each year. For its Fischer LP360™ connectors from the Fischer Freedom™ Series, […]
On April 30, Hexadrone unveiled its first serial drone, the Tundra, a ruggedized, multi-functional, modular drone that will be industrially manufactured in a factory under construction in France. The Tundra […]
The global connectivity solution provider Fischer Connectors has extended its flagship series of ultra-rugged and harsh-environment connectors with two new products: the Fischer UltiMate™ 80, a field-ready NATO STANAG 4695-compatible […]
Fischer Connectors is enhancing the integration capability of its versatile plug & use Fischer Freedom™ Series. The product line has been extended with new products and accessories allowing design engineers […]
Fischer Connectors verbessert die Integrationsfähigkeit der vielseitigen Plug & Play Fischer Freedom™ Serie. Die Produktlinie wurde um neue Produkte und Zubehör erweitert, die es Entwicklungsingenieuren ermöglichen, das Kabelmanagment entsprechen ihren […]