DIN CERTCO and LNE: the new certification schemes approved under PolyCert Europe umbrella

Next to the four certification schemes already existing under Polycert Europe umbrella, namely QA-CER (BE), AENOR (ES), Plastica Seconda Vita (IT) and Wertstoff PET (RAL) (DE), we are delighted to announce that DIN CERTCO (DE) and the Incorporation of Recycled Plastics Standard […]


Monitoring Platform MORE accepted as a CPA data collector

MORE – MOnitoring Recyclates for Europe – has been confirmed as a Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) data collector by both the CPA Monitoring Secretariat and CPA Monitoring Working Group. The […]


SUP Directive and marine litter – an industry commitment across all sectors

The core objective of the Single-Use Plastic Directive is notoriously to tackle the issue of marine littering. This point is underlined by the Directive itself as a key action for […]
