CeGaT Introduces CancerMRD: Personalized and Non-Invasive Tumor Monitoring

CeGaT GmbH, a global provider of genetic diagnostics and sequencing services, proudly announces the launch of CancerMRD, a new service for the individualized monitoring of minimal residual disease (MRD) in […]


CeGaT erhält als eines der ersten Unternehmen weltweit die leistungsstärkste Sequenzierplattform NovaSeq™ X Plus

CeGaT, ein global agierender Anbieter von Sequenzierdienstleistungen für Forschung, klinische Studien und humangenetische Diagnostik, setzt ab sofort das neuste und leistungsstärkste Sequenziersystem von Illumina ein. Mit dem NovaSeq™ X Plus […]


First Provider in Germany: CeGaT Offers Sequencing Services Based on PacBio’s SMRT Technology

CeGaT, a global provider of sequencing services for research, clinical trials, and human genetic diagnostics, is the first provider in Germany that has equipped its sequencing laboratory with the PacBio […]


Illumina NovaSeq™ X: CeGaT is One of the First Companies to Order Illumina’s Brand New Sequencer

CeGaT, a global provider of sequencing services for research, clinical trials and human genetic diagnostics, is expanding its NGS laboratory with the brand new NovaSeq™ X from Illumina. This strategically […]
