We officially landed in Australia! In July, we commissioned our first WASTX Plastic series plant in Down Under – nearly 16,000 km away from our headquarters for APR Recycling in […]

We officially landed in Australia! In July, we commissioned our first WASTX Plastic series plant in Down Under – nearly 16,000 km away from our headquarters for APR Recycling in […]
Wir sind offiziell in Australien gelandet! Im Juli haben wir unsere erste WASTX Plastic Serienanlage in Down Under in Betrieb genommen – fast 16.000 km entfernt von unserem Hauptsitz für […]
The worsening situation in Ukraine since 24.02.2022 has deeply saddened all of us. As a global company, we have many customers, business partners, friends, colleagues and family members who have […]
Over the last five decades, plastic pollution on Earth has doubled. According to the Guardian, mankind has produced over 8,3 billion tons of plastic since the middle of the 20th […]
Die weltweite Plastikverschmutzung hat sich über die letzten fünf Jahrzehnte hinweg verdoppelt. Aussagen des Guardian zufolge hat die Menschheit seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts über 8,3 Milliarden Tonnen Plastik produziert. Das […]
Biofabrik and Enespa AG announce to build the biggest location for plastic recycling on the planet – made out of modular pyrolysis plants. The first WASTX Plastic unit will begin […]
In einem Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Biofabrik und der Schweizer Enespa AG entsteht der weltweit größte Standort für chemisches Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen – bestehend aus vielen modularen Kleinanlagen. Die erste WASTX Plastic […]
‘There has never been an easy way to recycle plastic, but Biofabrik makes it easy’ – Tim StClaire-Pearce, QMRE A new era of plastic recyclingA few weeks ago, our […]
Es gab noch nie eine einfache Möglichkeit, Kunststoff zu recyceln, aber die Biofabrik macht es einfach.” – Tim StClaire-Pearce, QMRE Plastic to Plastic: Eine neue Ära des Plastikrecyclings Vor […]
The Dresden-based German company Biofabrik, specialized in plastic and oil recycling, has announced the successful commissioning of their most well-known technology – the WASTX Plastic machine. The first industrially manufactured […]