Outdoor DC UPS with 10-year LiFePO4 battery and 8-36V input for industrial and mobile applications

The extremely robust DC emergency power supply UPSI-2406IP-26UW from Bicker Elektronik, Donauwoerth/Germany, guarantees the uninterruptible 24 VDC power supply for sensitive and process-relevant control systems, embedded IPCs, gateways, motor drives, […]


Safe LiFePO4 high-performance battery pack for demanding industrial and medical applications

With the new BP-LFP-2725, Bicker Elektronik, Donauwoerth/Germany, presents an intrinsically safe 10-Year battery pack for emergency power supply and DC UPS systems. The lithium iron phosphate energy storage device with […]


Maintenance-free DC UPS with Supercaps protects against system downtime and data loss

Bicker Elektronik, Donauwoerth/Germany, has presented the new uninterruptible DC power supply UPSI-2406DP2. Equipped with fast-charging Supercaps as energy storage devices, the DC UPS module reliably bridges power failures, voltage drops […]


Li-Ion battery pack with IEC/EN/UL 62133-2 for demanding industrial and medical applications

The new Li-Ion battery pack BP-LIO-1525 from Bicker Elektronik (Germany) offers five times more charge/discharge cycles than conventional lead-acid batteries and thus guarantees a particularly long service life. The high-quality […]


24V DC UPS with integrated Li-Ion battery protects against plant downtime and data loss caused by power failures

The reliable and fail-safe DC power supply of embedded IPCs, controls, motor drives, sensors, measurement devices and safety technology is of fundamental importance in networked high-tech systems worldwide and in […]
