Geared motors are used throughout the production line at many food processing facilities. Compact and energy efficient they are the ideal design to drive stirrers, agitators and conveyors. However, while […]

Geared motors are used throughout the production line at many food processing facilities. Compact and energy efficient they are the ideal design to drive stirrers, agitators and conveyors. However, while […]
The systems at the Bayreuth sewage treatment plant are practically in continuous operation. When it was time to replace an electric motor at the site, the operator took the opportunity […]
The assets at Bayreuth sewage treatment plant operate almost continuously. When the time came to replace a motor at the site, operators seized the opportunity to specify an optimum replacement. […]
Die Zusammenstellung Ihres perfekten Getriebemotors war noch nie einfacher als mit BauerCAT, dem neuentwickelten Online- und Offline-Konfigurator von Bauer Gear Motor. Durch die Kombination von vollständiger Visualisierung, Komplettintegration in CAD-Programme […]
Specifying your perfect geared motor has never been easier thanks to BauerCAT, the newly designed online and offline configurator from Bauer Gear Motor. Combining full visualisation, total integration with CAD […]
From conveyors to processing machines, geared motors are utilised across the food and beverage production process. While specialised coatings exist to ensure they offer the cleanly compliance required in this […]
Geared motors are used everywhere in food and beverage production, from conveyor systems to processing machines. While there are special coatings that ensure that gear motors meet the necessary hygiene […]
All manufacturing operations aim to maximize efficiency and output, but in industries where only small profit margins are generated on each unit, this goal is vitally important. The food industry […]
Geared motor expert Bauer Gear Motor will be displaying its highly reliable and efficient solutions for wastewater treatment at Aquarama Trade Fair this year. Taking place at the Brabanthal Leuven […]
Important players in the meat industry will have the opportunity at IFFA 2019, Altra Industrial Motion Corp. whose leading corporate brands exhibit specialized drive solutions for hygiene applications. The event […]