Cameroon’s Camair-Co is partnering with aviationscouts to transform the flag carrier’s customer experience. The airline chose the German interiors specialist to create a new signature interior and provide comfortable new […]

Cameroon’s Camair-Co is partnering with aviationscouts to transform the flag carrier’s customer experience. The airline chose the German interiors specialist to create a new signature interior and provide comfortable new […]
The aviation industry’s rapid growth has brought its sustainability practices into the global spotlight. With around 600 aircraft retiring each year, there is an unprecedented opportunity to reduce waste and […]
Building on its 2022 momentum as the premiere aircraft cabin interior sustainability champion, aviationscouts GmbH is proud to announce the acquisition of 4 Airbus A330-300 interiors. The owner of these […]
Good news for our business partners and customers – after a comprehensive digitalization process in 2020, we have now also been certified according to EN 9100:2018 and ISO 9001:2015. The […]
Eine gute Nachricht für unsere Geschäftspartner und Kunden – nach einem umfassenden Digitalisierungsprozess im Jahr 2020, sind wir nun auch nach EN 9100:2018 und ISO 9001:2015 zertifiziert worden. Der Fokus […]
Die zweite Welle COVID-19 Pandemie ist da, aber die Luftfahrt kann keine weiteren Monate mit Flugverbot überleben. Wir müssen umfassende Sicherheitsverfahren einführen, um Passagieren und Regierungen die Gewissheit zu geben, […]
The second wave of COVID-19 is here, but aviation cannot survive more months of grounded flights. We need to implement comprehensive safety procedures to reassure passengers and governments that it […]
Ein neues vierstufiges Hygienekonzept kann Flughäfen und Fluggesellschaften ermöglichen, den Betrieb wieder aufzunehmen und gleichzeitig die Ausbreitung von COVID-19 zu bekämpfen. Nur wenn Passagiere und Besatzungsmitglieder von der Sicherheit überzeugt […]
Time is running out for the European aviation industry. The pandemic has decimated the traditional summer holidays. We need to fly to survive and we can only do that once […]
Only by reassuring passengers and crew of the safety to fly again, aviationscouts says, will the aviation industry survive. The disinfection process targets multiple stages of a passenger’s journey, from […]