In the semiconductor industry, it is the smallest details that make the difference between success and failure. With its new 3D sensor from the recently developed XCS series, AT – […]

In the semiconductor industry, it is the smallest details that make the difference between success and failure. With its new 3D sensor from the recently developed XCS series, AT – […]
Bad Oldesloe. ECS stands for Eco Compact Sensor and is the latest innovation in the field of 3D sensor technology in terms of performance and cost-effectiveness. Its particular benefit: its […]
Bad Oldesloe. ECS steht für Eco Compact Sensor und ist die neueste Innovation im Bereich der 3D-Sensortechnologie in Bezug auf Leistungsfähigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Ihr besonderer Benefit: ihre Kosteneffizienz. Durch den […]
Machine vision experts open subsidiary in Boston Gretchen Alper appointed new Business Director for North America Focus on increased sales and support AT – Automation Technology is starting a […]
Experten für bildgebende Spezialsensorik eröffnen Zweigstelle in Boston Gretchen Alper wird neuer Business Director für Nordamerika Fokus liegt auf verstärktem Vertrieb und Support AT – Automation Technology startet ein […]
Fast, faster, fastest. AT – Automation Technology has recently developed its own sensor chip that turns the 3D sensors of the new C6-3070 series from the northern German technology company […]
Schnell, schneller, am schnellsten. AT – Automation Technology hat jüngst einen eigenen Sensorchip entwickelt, der die 3D-Sensoren der neuen C6-3070-Serie des norddeutschen Technologieunternehmens zu den schnellsten weltweit macht. In der […]
Expansion of internal and external communication channels Expansion of video and webinar production New Head of Marketing focuses on strengthening AT’s visibility Bad Oldesloe. Recently, the German technology company […]
Ausbau der internen und externen Kommunikationskanäle Erweiterung der Video- und Webinarproduktion Neuer Head of Marketing legt Fokus auf Verstärkung der Sichtbarkeit von AT Vor kurzem hat das norddeutsche Technologieunternehmen AT […]
When a beverage can or crown cap is opened, it must fizz. Only then can the customer be sure that the beverage container was not only securely closed, but also […]