Agolin SA, une société basée en Suisse qui développe et commercialise des additifs alimentaires à base d’extraits de plantes, s’est associée au producteur mondial de chocolat Barry Callebaut et à […]

Agolin SA, une société basée en Suisse qui développe et commercialise des additifs alimentaires à base d’extraits de plantes, s’est associée au producteur mondial de chocolat Barry Callebaut et à […]
Agolin SA ist ein Schweizer Unternehmen, welches Zusatzstoffe für Futtermittel auf Basis pflanzlicher Substanzen herstellt. Agolin SA hat sich mit dem grössten Schokoladenfabrikanten Barry Callebaut und mit Gold Standard (GS), […]
Agolin SA, a Swiss based Company which develops and markets feed additives based on botanical compounds, has joined forces with global chocolate producer Barry Callebaut and Gold Standard (GS), a […]
A recently published scientific paper shows that AGOLIN RUMINANT, a plant based in-feed additive can help reduce methane emissions in cows, one of the major sources of greenhouse gas from agricultural […]
Recent reports suggest that the continued escalation in man-made Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions is in danger of having an irreversible effect on sea temperatures caused by global warming and the […]
The Carbon Trust certifies AGOLIN RUMINANT, a plant based in-feed additive to help reduce methane emissions in cows, one of the major sources of greenhouse gas from agricultural production. Agolin SA, […]
According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) beef cattle and dairy cows are responsible for about 10 % of global human-induced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which corresponds to 4600 […]