INSIDE Wunderlich #01|2022

On Friday, 11 February 2022, our Managing Director Frank Hoffmann presented the first edition of the new Wunderlich customer magazine INSIDE Wunderlich.

Frank Hoffmann: "It gives me great pleasure to present the first issue #01 of INSIDE WUNDERLICH – our new magazine! We take you into the multi-faceted and fascinating motorbike and brand world of Wunderlich. You can look forward to varied topics, exciting background stories, interesting motorbike people, concentrated motorbike know-how and extraordinary travel stories. Even though we at Wunderlich naturally focus primarily on the BMW brand, INSIDE Wunderlich is entertaining and informative not only for BMW riders. I cordially invite you to immerse yourself in the "Wunderlich cosmos" and hope you enjoy reading our first issue!

It is particularly significant for us that we have developed, conceptualised and produced INSIDE Wunderlich in-house with great passion, just like our high-quality BMW components. The fact that our magazine is published in five languages illustrates the great value we place on it and our customers. In a cross-media world, we want to offer our community, both nationally and internationally, not only digital content but also a high-quality, entertaining magazine in every respect. Two editions per year are currently planned".

WunderlichCard holders receive the magazine automatically. Interested readers can order a copy from 15 February 2022 in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish while stocks last, as the first edition is limited. Of course, the magazine is also available as a digital flip page version or as a PDF download.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Wunderlich GmbH
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 6 – 8
53501 Grafschaft-Ringen
Telefon: +49 (2641) 3082-0
Telefax: +49 (2641) 3082-208

Johanna Dewitz
Head of Marketing, Communication & PR
Telefon: +49 (2641) 3082-703
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