The treasures of Murano: unique glass objects in Peter Grünbaum’s private collection

Glass has fascinated people for more than 3,000 years. In particular, the translucency of the material, in combination with the possibilities for shaping it that have been perfected over centuries, put glass on a par with sculpture and other forms of artistic expression spanning different eras in the history of art. Its durability, in contrast to its literal fragility, is the reason for archaeological finds dating back to the 15th century in the field of glass vessels .

Throughout the centuries, there have been a series of outstanding, timeless phases with characteristic forms of artistic glass processing and the regions and artists associated with them. The Venetian glass tradition, whose roots go back to the 7th century BC, is particularly notable here. Since the 12th century, the name of the Murano archipelago, north-east of Venice’s old town, is synonymous with glass objects that are still sought after by connoisseurs around the world and are often expensive. They consider Murano glass to be absolutely unique due to its shapes and colors and even its imperfections. So unique that it sparks the passion of enthusiastic collectors in particular.

One of these collectors is Peter Grünbaum. Before the Swiss national gave up his career as a marketing manager in international corporations and his own marketing agency after three decades in 2005 and devoted himself entirely to his passion for collecting, he had already achieved a great deal as a collector. The sale of the toy robot collection, with more than 1,200 objects, to the founder of the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, Rolf Fehlbaum, was just one noteworthy milestone.

Although the Murano glass objects are only one of many categories in Grünbaum’s collection, known as the "1000 Objects", they are nevertheless considered to be among the most outstanding pieces in the collection, which in the meantime comprises over 6,000 objects. Although Grünbaum offers the Murano glass vases and other rarities he has collected over the years for sale, he has continued to add to his portfolio by acquiring other collections.
 More than 200 objects – vases, bowls and sculptures from the workshops of the masters of glass processing, from the 1930s and 1940s as well as from more recent times, from the 1950s to the 1970s, are currently for sale on the website.

Together with other collector’s items from the fields of furniture and lighting design, as well as a wide variety of rarities ranging from cigarette pictures to Pirelli calendars, Grünbaum constantly rearranges parts of his collection in his own four walls in Zurich. In addition to numerous pictures and videos on his website, Peter Grünbaum is happy to invite any interested parties and potential buyers upon request to come and see the uniqueness of his collection for themselves and thus understand, at least to some extent, how a passion for collecting can arise from a liking.

More information:

Rarities in Glass, Ceramics, Furniture, Lighting. Exclusive Gifts. – 1000 Objekte (@petergruenbaum) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos
1000 objekte | Zürich | Facebook
Termin – 1000 Objekte (
Sammlerstück aus Muranoglas – 1000 Objekte (

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Grünbaum AG
Hardturmstr. 66
CH8005 Zürich
Telefon: +41 (79) 66057-88

Peter Grünbaum
Telefon: +41796605788
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