Stäubli Robotics to Unveil the World’s First Mobile Pharma Robot at INTERPHEX 2025

Sterimove from Stäubli Robotics, the world’s first cleanroom mobile robot, will make its North American debut at INTERPHEX 2025 in New York City. The annual event, coming to the Javits Center April 1-3, attracts industry leaders and professionals from the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical sectors worldwide.

“Sterimove exemplifies our commitment to innovation and excellence in automation technology for the pharmaceutical industry,” said Rudolf M. Weiss, Global Head of Life Sciences & Food at Stäubli Robotics. “We are excited to showcase this groundbreaking technology at INTERPHEX 2025.”

The Sterimove mobile pharma robot was designed in collaboration with a Stäubli customer and major player in the pharmaceutical industry following EHEDG guidelines to meet the highest industry standards. It offers key benefits for improving compliance and ensuring product and worker safety:

  • Cleanroom compatibility: Sterimove is engineered for Grade A/B/C/D cleanroom environments and FDA compliance, ensuring minimal contamination risk.
  • Optimal cleanability: In keeping with hygienic design principles, Sterimove is easy to clean, with easy access to wheels and resistance to VHP decontamination.
  • Safety features: Equipped with sensors, collision avoidance systems, emergency stop buttons, and LED status communication strip for seamless human-robot interaction.

The mobile robot’s encapsulated design, free of retention areas, ensures that all sensors and critical components are safely housed within the robot body, preventing the ingress of contaminants and enabling resistance to rigorous cleaning and chemical disinfection.

Sterimove brings pharma the same efficiency and productivity gains many other sectors have realized with mobile robotics, enabling manufacturers to optimize their material flows. Its modular design, small footprint, and maneuverability in narrow spaces allow seamless integration and high versatility to automate numerous applications.

Stäubli’s complete pharma offering covers all areas of the pharmaceutical production environment, from isolators to intralogistics. It is comprised of three distinct robot ranges: accessPharma for non-aseptic applications, Stericlean for aseptic applications, and Stericlean+ for use in isolators. Attendees are encouraged to visit Stäubli Robotics at Booth 3443 to learn more about the company’s advanced capabilities in pharma automation.

About Stäubli North America

Stäubli North America has more than 200 employees supporting Connectors, Robotics and Textiles customers. The company’s North American headquarters is in Duncan, South Carolina. Stäubli provides customer support through its locations in Duncan, Queretaro, Mexico, and the newest Stäubli North American facility, which opened in 2018 in Novi, Michigan. In addition to 24/7 customer support, each of these facilities offers training and has dedicated on-site technical experts who can be deployed whenever needed. Stäubli’s North American sales force is located strategically on the West and East coasts, and also serves Canada and Puerto Rico.

Worldwide, Stäubli is a leading manufacturer of quick release couplings, robotics systems and textile machinery. With a workforce of more than 5,500 employees, Stäubli is present in 29 countries supported by a comprehensive distribution network in 50 countries worldwide.

About Stäubli Robotics

Stäubli Robotics’ unique product portfolio contains 4 and 6 axis industrial robots, cobots, mobile robotics and Automated Guided Vehicles. The powerful, high precision solutions allow clients in many demanding industries to tackle the challenges of Industry 4.0 under specific manufacturing conditions.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Stäubli Tec-Systems GmbH Robotics
Theodor-Schmidt-Str. 19/25
95448 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49 (921) 883-0
Telefax: +49 (921) 883-3244

Cynthia Jamison-Brashier
Events & Media Relations
Telefon: +1 (864) 764-4729
Nathalie Backer
Marketing & Communication Robotics
Telefon: +49 (921) 883-3219
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