GIG Karasek supports NEFI in the innovation project directCCE

GIG Karasek is actively involved in the NEFI (New Energy for Industry) innovation network, a collaboration of leading research and industry players funded by the Climate and Energy Fund as well as the federal states of Upper Austria and Styria. The network’s goal is to develop and test pioneering technologies to support the industry on its path to climate neutrality.

As part of the NEFI Innovation Hub "Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage (CCUS)”, GIG Karasek collaborates with seven other renowned partners on the "directCCE" (Direct Carbon Capture and Electrolysis) project to demonstrate an innovative technology that directly converts CO2 emissions from waste incineration plants into valuable raw materials.

The core of the project is an integrated process for CO2 capture and electrolysis, where CO2-rich flue gas is transformed into climate-neutral hydrocarbons. This involves the use of special electrolytes and highly efficient catalysts to reduce energy demand and improve economic viability.

GIG Karasek is responsible for the development and design of the pilot plant for the CO2 electrolyzer, focusing on the Balance of Plant (BOP).

Dr. Mohammad Rezaei, Head of the Environmental Technologies Business Unit, explains: "Designing CO2 electrolysis plants involves overcoming numerous challenges. These include the availability and delivery of CO2 to the cathode catalyst, water management within the system, pH management, and the suppression of side reactions like hydrogen evolution. Ensuring the long-term stability of components is equally crucial to enhance economic efficiency. Our task at GIG Karasek is to design the peripheral components to optimally address these challenges."

Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Markus Haider from TU Wien’s Institute of Energy Systems and Thermodynamics, and project leader of directCCE, adds: "In direct CO2 electrolysis, the absorption solution from flue gas scrubbing is used as the electrolyte. This approach has significant technical and economic potential due to its simplicity and efficiency. For industrialization, scaling up from lab concepts, maximizing current density, and component longevity are the key issues."

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GIG Karasek GmbH
Neusiedlerstraße 15-19
A2640 Gloggnitz
Telefon: +43 (2662) 42780

Dipl. ing. Gudrun Hadolt-Rostek
Marketing Manager
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