Knauf Interfer relies on thyssenkrupp Materials IoT for the digitalization of its steel service activities

Accurate and on-time delivery as well as highest quality for customers: Networked manufacturing is indispensable here. Knauf Interfer relies on thyssenkrupp Materials IoT for this. With toii®, the digitalization experts from thyssenkrupp Materials Services support the supplier of steel and aluminum solutions in executing planned production efficiently and transparently. The IIoT platform also provides real-time transparency on productivity, quality as well as order progress.

"In times of increasing customer demands – especially for just-in-time or just-in-sequence orders in combination with increased efficiency requirements – there is no way around digitalization for us. As the industry’s digital supply chain manager, this naturally also applies above all to production planning, control and maintenance. We are glad to have found an experienced partner for us in thyssenkrupp Materials IoT GmbH and are entering this joint project with high expectations," says Dr. Kay Oppat, Member of the Executive Board/CTO of Knauf Interfer SE. As one of the leading distribution, processing and service companies for steel and aluminum, Knauf Interfer has focused on solutions for industry, especially the automotive industry.

"With toii we have developed a product with which we have brought the digital transformation into our own production at thyssenkrupp Materials Services. We are now enabling other companies to take this step," says Ilse Henne, member of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp Materials Services. "In this way we are driving forward our strategic development ‚Materials as a Service‘ and the corresponding enhancement of our service portfolio."

The processing centers of thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe itself have been using toii for six years. "We always think of digitalization and process expertise as well as shopfloor management together for our Europe-wide steel service centers. Thanks to toii we have so far been able to achieve productivity increases of between 10-15 percent at our sites," says Wilhelm Budéus, Head of the Krefeld branch and member of the management board of thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe GmbH.

thyssenkrupp Materials IoT GmbH is a spin-off from thyssenkrupp Materials Services. As part of its "Materials as a Service" strategy, the materials distributor and service provider is systematically expanding its supply chain service business. This includes the development of innovative, data-driven business models such as toii®. thyssenkrupp Materials IoT supports its customers on their way to Industry 4.0 throughout the entire process: from consulting and implementation of IIoT technologies to support throughout the lifecycle of the solutions and operation of the underlying platform.

Über die thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH

thyssenkrupp Materials Services is the biggest mill-independent materials distributor and service provider in the Western world with around 380 locations – including around 260 warehouse sites – in more than 30 countries. The versatile range of services offered by the materials experts allows customers to focus even more strongly on their individual core businesses. As part of its strategic further development "Materials as a Service" the company is focusing on the supply of raw materials and materials as well as products and services in the area of supply chain management. Digital solutions ensure efficient and resource-saving processes for customers and thus provide the basis for sustainable action. From 2030 Materials Services will operate on a climate-neutral basis.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH
thyssenkrupp Allee 1
45143 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 844-0

Lars Bank
Head of External & Internal Communications
Telefon: +49 (201) 844-534416
Katharina Nordmeyer
Telefon: +49 (201) 844-535721
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