Tentamus Group Appoints Ana Mata as Chief Financial Officer for North America

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Ana Mata to the role of Chief Financial Officer of Tentamus North America.

Ana first joined Tentamus in 2017 as a consultant and quickly distinguished herself as a trusted and capable leader. It wasn’t long before she was brought on as Finance Director in which she has consistently demonstrated exceptional strategic and financial insight.

Ana’s educational background is equally impressive. She holds two Bachelor of Science degrees—one in E-commerce and Technology from DePaul University, and another in Accounting from Aurora University, where she also earned a minor in Business Management. She has completed a Business Analytics Certification from Cornell University and has finished all coursework toward her MBA at Willamette University.

Regarding her new role, Ana stated: “I take great pride in being part of a company that is truly improving lives every day. Tentamus’ unprecedented global reach and collaborative network of laboratories allow us to deliver a best-in-class customer experience—driven by science, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to quality.”

Richard Adams, CEO of North America, expressed his enthusiasm: “This promotion is extremely well deserved. Ana has played a key role in strengthening our financial operations, enhancing transparency, and driving performance across our North American entities. I look forward to working even more closely with her as we continue aligning Tentamus North America as a truly networked and collaborative group of companies.”

We are confident that Ana’s deep understanding of our business, combined with her passion for innovation and excellence, will continue to drive Tentamus North America forward. Please join us in congratulating Ana Mata on this well-earned promotion!

Über die Tentamus Group GmbH

Tentamus Group GmbH was founded in 2011. Tentamus is a global product and safety group with a core presence in Europe, UK, Israel, China, Japan, India and the USA. Accredited and licensed Tentamus Group tests, audits and consults on all products involving the human body, food & feed, pharmaceuticals & medical, AgroSciences, cosmetics, agriculture, environment, nutraceutical & supplements. Tentamus Group is represented in over 90 locations worldwide. More than 4,000 highly trained staff members work in over 3 million square feet of laboratory and office spaces. For further information please visit www.tentamus.com.

About Tentamus North America
Tentamus North America is dedicated to maintaining the highest quality standards across our network of ISO 17025:2017 accredited labs. Our mission is to deliver meaningful results to businesses in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, beverages, water, medical devices, cannabinoids, personal care, and foodservice segments. We are committed to supporting producers nationwide in ensuring their products are safe and of the utmost quality.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Tentamus Group GmbH
An der Industriebahn 26
13088 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 206038-230
Telefax: +49 (30) 206038-190

Ana Mata
CFO Tentamus North America
E-Mail: ana.mata@tentamus.com
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