tbm hightech control presents early warning system at LogiMAT 2025 Crossing protection in the latest style

Customers simply describe it as "ingenious". A crossing safety system to prevent accidents – without any vehicle equipment. An intelligent circular mirror full of sensors and electronics to protect people and vehicles at crossings and passages. A new, innovative active warning system.  Effective and efficient. Suspended in the centre of the crossing. A bird’s eye view of traffic monitoring!

The sensor system recognises vehicles and people depending on direction and well before the crossing and actively triggers a flashing visual warning signal if a dangerous situation is detected and defined. A bright blue spot of light on the ground or a flashing traffic sign signals to pedestrians "Caution – Danger!".  If there are only pedestrians in the crossing area, no alarm is triggered. After all, there is no danger! But if there are several trucks or truck(s) + pedestrians in the crossing area, this naturally triggers the alarm.

This active, light-optical warning is much more effective than any permanent traffic sign at the crossing – be it permanently painted on the ground or as a stationary traffic sign at the danger zone.

In practice, the situational active warning system attracts much more attention and therefore has a much greater impact on accident prevention. 

The ingenious early warning system is called the " Hazard Situation Indicator GSA-207 " and is the latest generation of a highly effective safety device.

For more information, visit www.tbm.biz or simply enquire directly at info@tbm.biz  or in Hall 10 Stand B05 at LogiMAT 2025.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

tbm hightech control GmbH
Karl-Hammerschmidt-Str. 32
85609 Aschheim b. München
Telefon: +49 (89) 6700360
Telefax: +49 (89) 6379172

Edgar Nassal
Telefon: +49 (89) 67003620
E-Mail: edgar.nassal@tbm.biz
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