Game changer for green hydrogen: SensoTech’s unbeatable measurement technology

Precision meets innovation: SensoTech is shaping the future of process analysis

SensoTech is setting new standards in the world of industrial fluid analysis. With high-precision measurement technology and innovative sensors, the company is revolutionizing process monitoring and offering pioneering solutions for various industries.

LiquiSonic® – The future of inline analysis

SensoTech’s LiquiSonic® technology is based on the measurement of the sonic velocity using ultrasound and enables the exact determination of concentration and density in liquids. The precise inline monitoring provides real-time data that enables companies to adjust their processes immediately – for maximum efficiency and quality assurance.

Whether concentration and density measurements, phase detection or the analysis of complex reaction processes such as polymerization or crystallization – the applications are many and varied. Companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, steel production and mechanical and plant engineering in particular benefit from LiquiSonic® systems. The advantages are obvious: increased product quality, optimized use of resources and greater plant safety.

Key technology for green hydrogen

An important area of application for LiquiSonic® sensors is the production of green hydrogen, particularly in alkaline electrolysis. Here, the high-precision ultrasonic measurements enable continuous monitoring and control of the process parameters, significantly improving the efficiency and sustainability of hydrogen production. By precisely analyzing the electrolyte concentration, the sensors help to optimize energy consumption and extend the service life of electrolysis plants.

Innovation for a sustainable industry

Sustainability plays a crucial role in modern production. SensoTech’s precise measurement technology enables companies to minimize the use of raw materials, reduce waste and work more energy-efficiently.

With these technologies, SensoTech is setting a strong example for the future of Industry 4.0 – a combination of precision, digitalization, automation and sustainability. Companies that rely on these technologies benefit from maximum efficiency, quality and safety in their production processes.

Further information is available at:

Über die SensoTech GmbH

SensoTech specializes in the manufacture of measuring devices for the inline determination of concentration and density in liquids. These use the speed of sound to analyze the liquids.

Our measuring systems are used in various processes in industries such as the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry and many more. Customers from all over the world rely on the expertise and quality of our LiquiSonic® measuring devices to optimize their processes and deliver highly accurate measurement results even under the most difficult conditions.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

SensoTech GmbH
Steinfeldstrasse 1
39179 Barleben
Telefon: +49 (39203) 514-100
Telefax: +49 (39203) 514-109

Anne-Maria Wende
Teamleiter Marketing
Telefon: +49 39203 514 136
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