Volvo Trucks leads the heavy truck market in Europe

Volvo Trucks was the market leader in heavy trucks, 16 tonnes and above, in Europe with a market share of 17.9% in 2024. The markets with the most registered Volvo trucks during the year were UK, France, Germany, Poland and Spain.

”We are very proud to be the market leader in Europe. This is clear proof that our customers appreciate the fuel efficiency, safety and uptime of our trucks and that we have a very attractive product offering,” says Roger Alm, President Volvo Trucks

“Our new FH Aero trucks that were launched in 2024 are just outstanding. These trucks are available with electric, gas and diesel powertrains and they have quickly become very popular on the market. Transport companies choose Volvo because our products and services help them grow their business and reduce CO2. I wish to extend a big thank you to our customers for their trust in us, and also to our dealers, suppliers and our colleagues within the Volvo Group for this achievement.”

Increased market share in 25 countries
Globally, Volvo Trucks increased its market share in 25 countries in 2024. In Brazil, Volvo became the market leader in heavy trucks for the third year in a row with a market share of 23.7%. The company’s flagship, the Volvo FH, was the most-sold truck model of all brands in Brazil in 2024. In Australia, Volvo’s market share was 18.2%. In North America (US and Canada) Volvo Trucks had a market share of 10.5% (10.2% 2023).

“We stand stronger than ever thanks to the complete renewal of our global product portfolio in 2024. In North America, where we aim to significantly grow our business, we launched a completely new platform that will be the base for a range of new models in the coming years. First out on the platform was the all-new Volvo VNL, which can deliver up to 10 percent better fuel economy when compared to the previous generation,” says Roger Alm.  

”Europe” means the European Union including  UK, Norway and Switzerland (EU30).

North America means USA and Canada.

Über die Volvo Group Trucks Central Europe GmbH

Volvo Trucks supplies complete transport solutions for discerning professional customers with its full range of medium- and heavy-duty trucks. Customer support is provided via a global network of dealers with 2,200 service points in about 130 countries. Volvo trucks are assembled in 12 countries across the globe. In 2024 approximately 134,000 Volvo trucks were delivered worldwide. Volvo Trucks is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses, construction equipment and marine and industrial engines. The group also provides complete solutions for financing and service. Volvo Trucks’ work is based on the core values of quality, safety and environmental care.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Volvo Group Trucks Central Europe GmbH
Oskar-Messter-Str. 20
85737 Ismaning
Telefon: +49 (89) 80074-119
Telefax: +49 (89) 80074-190

Helena Lind
Media Relations Director
Telefon: +46 (76) 5536257
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