Liquid Sun and GIG Karasek announce collaboration to produce synthetic fuels from CO2

The Finnish company Liquid Sun – that describe themselves as ‚The carbon recoding companyTM‚ – and GIG Karasek are pooling their expertise to intensify both their efforts towards CO2 valorization. Both companies focus on LTE (low-temperature electrolyzer) technology for the electrochemical conversion of carbon dioxide into chemicals and fuels.

Liquid Sun – based in Tampere, Finland – was founded in 2022 following a research project at the Tampere University and focuses on the production of innovative fuels and chemicals that can be manufactured without the use of fossil fuels. One technological focus is on the development and production of catalysts, electrodes, and membranes that are used in LTE reactors. The company’s scientific roots go back to the many years of research work carried out by leading employees in the field of artificial photosynthesis at the Universities of Stanford and Tampere.

In 2022, GIG Karasek founded the Environmental Technologies division, which focuses on innovative solutions for the defossilization and decarbonization of industrial processes. Today, GIG Karasek holds a patent for an electrochemical CO2 reduction system, put the first pilot plant into operation, and is an active partner in renowned research projects for the decarbonization of industry.

The collaboration between Liquid Sun and GIG Karasek will create important synergies to drive forward the standardization of LTE technology, the development of a commercial LTE pilot plant, and the further development of LT electrolysis units and catalysts.

Andreas Schnitzhofer, General Manager at GIG Karasek explains: "I ‚m looking forward to a partnership in which each party can make the most of its strengths. With our many years of experience in international plant engineering, we take the lead when it comes to integrating LTE technology into new and existing production processes. LiquidSun concentrates on the production and further development of catalysts. This gives us the perfect basis for jointly creating a sustainable process technology to achieve global environmental goals." 

Pasi Keinänen, CEO at Liquid Sun, adds: “We are committed to developing price-competitive e-fuel technologies to accelerate the transition to fossil-free fuels. This is a challenge that no single company can tackle alone; it requires building international partner networks. We need an experienced partner in plant engineering who shares our ambitions. This partnership will allow us to focus on our core competencies in CO2 valorization, thereby becoming a value-adding partner to GIG Karasek.” 

Want to know more about the topic? Contact the GIG Karasek team:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

GIG Karasek GmbH
Neusiedlerstraße 15-19
A2640 Gloggnitz
Telefon: +43 (2662) 42780

Dipl. ing. Gudrun Hadolt-Rostek
Marketing Manager
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