Change of Managing Director at WITTENSTEIN motion control

44 year-old Dr Mark Eikötter took over as Managing Director of WITTENSTEIN motion control GmbH on October 1, 2023. He succeeds Kasper Rungfeldt, who is leaving the company after several years of service to pursue new career opportunities.

The WITTENSTEIN group subsidiary is very happy to welcome Dr Eikötter as its new Managing Director. He holds a doctorate in new manufacturing technologies in the aerospace industry and has acquired a broad range of expertise thanks to professional experience in the global machine tool industry as well as in international machine and plant construction.

WITTENSTEIN motion control develops high-end mechatronic drive systems, especially for extreme conditions in the aerospace, subsea (oil & gas), defense and simulation sectors.


WITTENSTEIN – one with the future
With around 2900 employees worldwide and sales of €519 million in 2022/23, WITTENSTEIN SE enjoys an impeccable reputation for innovation, precision and excellence in the field of cybertronic motion – not just in Germany but internationally. The group possesses exceptional expertise for the mastery and further development of all technologies relevant to mechatronic drives and comprises six innovative Strategic Business Divisions. We develop, produce and sell products such as high-precision servo drives and linear systems, servo systems and motors as well as cybertronic drive systems for many areas of application including machine and plant construction, aerospace or oil and gas exploration. Nanotechnology and software components round off the portfolio. With 25 sites in more than 45 countries, the WITTENSTEIN group ( is represented in all major technology and sales markets.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Walter-Wittenstein-Straße 1
97999 Igersheim
Telefon: +49 (7931) 493-0
Telefax: +49 (7931) 493-200

Sabine Maier
Leiterin Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit/Pressesprecherin
Telefon: +49 (7931) 493-10399
Fax: +49 (7931) 493-10301
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