Innodisk presents AIoT solutions at Embedded World 2023

The embedded world Exhibition&Conference will take place from 14 to 16 March in Nuremberg. The global platform and industry meeting point for experts, key players and industry associations of the embedded industry presents embedded systems from components and modules to operating systems, hardware and software design, M2M communication, services and the numerous issues of a complex system design.

Innodisk will be presenting various AIoT and industrial embedded module solutions at the show. The Asian specialist for industrial storage products will show the transformation of industry towards Smart Cities, Smart Manufacturing as well as applications such as AIoT Traffic Enforcement and AIoT Smart Charging solutions at its booth.

AI technology is used in Smart City developments to optimise traffic. Innodisk integrates its AI edge computing platform and the AI accelerator card module of its subsidiary Aetina into its AIoT Traffic Enforcement Solution. The solution thereby recognises driver behaviour, avoids traffic violations and optimises the parking situation.

To meet the growing demands of electric vehicles, Innodisk is introducing the AIoT Smart Charging Solution, which integrates the AI Edge Computing Platform and the InnoAgent Out-Of-Band (OOB) Remote Management Module to provide continuous data collection, system monitoring and remote diagnostics for chargers. The solution can restore power in the event of system failures or when offline to optimise edge device management and reduce downtime.

Large robotic arms in smart factories can injure operators. Innodisk’s AIoT Industrial Safety Solution establishes a safe operating area and detects whether operators are wearing helmets and other protection. It uses an AI edge computing platform with AMD-Xilinx FPGA solution at its core and a USB camera module that is also designed for low-light conditions. Security and productivity are increased.

The iVIT SDK software, the iCAP cloud management platform and hardware solutions such as edge server SSDs with high DWPD, the InnoEX virtual I/O expansion module and the ultra-temperature DDR5 DRAM module will also be presented.


Über Innodisk Europe B.V.

Innodisk will present its AIoT and industrial embedded module solutions at embedded world. The booth will showcase the transformation of industry towards Smart Cities, Smart Manufacturing as well as applications such as AIoT Traffic Enforcement and AIoT Smart Charging solutions. Innodisk integrates its AI edge computing platform and the AI accelerator card module of its subsidiary Aetina into its AIoT Traffic Enforcement Solution. The solution thereby recognises driver behaviour, avoids traffic violations and optimises the parking situation. To meet the growing demands of electric vehicles, Innodisk is introducing the AIoT Smart Charging Solution, which integrates the AI Edge Computing Platform and the InnoAgent Out-Of-Band (OOB) Remote Management Module to enable continuous data collection, system monitoring and remote diagnostics for chargers. Large robotic arms in smart factories can injure operators. Innodisk’s AIoT Industrial Safety Solution establishes a safe operating area and detects whether operators are wearing helmets and other protection. The iVIT SDK software, iCAP cloud management platform and hardware solutions such as edge server SSDs with high DWPD, InnoEX virtual I/O expansion module and ultra-temperature DDR5 DRAM module will also be showcased.

#Innodisk #EmbeddedWorld

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Innodisk Europe B.V.
Pisanostraat 57
NL5623CB Eindhoven
Telefon: +49 (152) 5100 6027

Edgar Huber
Telefon: +49 (7083) 933745
Patrik Stocks
Innodisk Europe B.V.
Telefon: +49 (152) 5100-6027
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