Meyer Burger receives award for solar roof tiles and announces first sales partner

  • Dachdecker-Einkauf Süd eG (DE Süd) is the first distributor to provide Meyer Burger Tile solar roof tiles to roofers in Germany. First customer projects already being implemented
  • Meyer Burger Tile named “highlight top innovation” by independent specialist jury of trade journal pv magazine
  • After completion of the current pilot phase, the market launch of Meyer Burger Tile is planned in the second half of 2023. Manufacturing to take place in Europe, with initial production capacity of one million tiles per year

As part of the pilot phase of its solar roof tile, Meyer Burger Technology AG announced its first distribution partner from the roofing trade: With immediate effect, Dachdecker-Einkauf Süd eG (DE Süd), one of the market-leading specialist roofing distributors in Germany, is to supervise the first pilot projects and implement these together with their customers from the roofing sector. The solar roof tiles come from the pilot production of Meyer Burger and contain high-performance solar cells from the production plant in Thalheim (town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen).

“We are delighted to be able to provide the trade with such an innovative product for the product launch, together with Meyer Burger,” says Björn Augustin, Executive Board member of DE Süd. The solar roof tiles have already been presented this year at the trade shows Intersolar as well as Dach+Holz, where they met with a high level of interest among installers, roofers and end customers.

In its current December 2022 issue, the renowned trade journal pv magazine named the Meyer Burger Tile a “highlight top innovation”. The choice was made by an independent jury. The award statement reads: “A premium solar roof tile can help to bring photovoltaic systems onto roofs that have not yet been covered. The solution could help convince preservation authorities and house owners who previously decided against this solution for aesthetic reasons. The solar roof tile could also encourage more roofers to participate in the energy transition. All the better that the Meyer Burger Tile also has other compelling features.” 

After the completion of the current pilot phase, the market launch of the Meyer Burger Tile is planned for the second half of 2023. For mass production of the solar roof tile, Meyer Burger is planning to work with a specialized European contract manufacturing company. The solar cells and the connection technology are to come from Meyer Burger’s own production, and the company will also select and procure all materials and components. As a result, Meyer Burger not only ensures that the product conforms with the company’s high quality standards, but can also leverage its existing supply chains and protect its intellectual property.

Meyer Burger Tile is an innovative roof tile solution that is characterized by appealing aesthetics and superior energy yield, as well as simple installation and maintenance. The variable cover length of the roof tile gives roofers maximum flexibility, as they are no longer bound to fixed substructure dimensions. “The design of our Meyer Burger Tile enables a uniform and aesthetic appearance across the entire roof area and is therefore ideal for demanding architectural applications,” says Moritz Borgmann, Chief Commercial Officer of Meyer Burger. The tile is intended for use in private rooftop systems in new construction or roof replacement scenarios, property in redevelopment areas and listed buildings, as well as on buildings with limited roof load. The solar roof tiles will provide an industry-leading conversion efficiency of up to 17 percent, with further improvements planned.

The solar roof tiles are hailstorm-proof up to 55 millimeters hailstone size and are classified as rigid roofing, which enables installation up to the roof edge without additional safety clearance. Meyer Burger offers a product and performance guarantee of 30 years.

Über die Meyer Burger Technology AG

Meyer Burger has started production of high-performance solar cells and solar modules in 2021. Its proprietary heterojunction/SmartWire technology enables the company to set new industry standards in terms of energy yield. With solar cells and modules developed in Switzerland and manufactured in Germany according to high sustainability standards, Meyer Burger aims to become a leading European photovoltaic company. The company currently employs around 1000 people at research facilities in Switzerland, development and manufacturing sites in Germany and sales offices in Europe, the United States and Asia.

Meyer Burger was founded in 1953 in Switzerland. As a provider of production systems, the company has shaped the development of the global photovoltaic industry along the entire value chain in recent decades and has set essential industry standards. A large part of the solar modules produced worldwide today are based on technologies developed by Meyer Burger.

The registered shares of Meyer Burger Technology AG are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (ticker: MBTN).

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Meyer Burger Technology AG
Schorenstrasse 39
CH3645 Gwatt (Thun)
Telefon: +41 (33) 2212800
Telefax: +41 (33) 2212808

Andreas Durisch
Senior Partner
Telefon: +41 (43) 26827-47
Anne Schneider
Head Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 37236712235
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