Portal Systems AG relies on Managed Services from 3U TELECOM

Portal Systems AG is outsourcing the operation of its IT infrastructure entirely to the services of 3U TELECOM GmbH (www.uuu.de), a subsidiary of 3U HOLDING AG (ISIN DE0005167902). Founded in 2001, Portal Systems AG, a provider of DMS/ECM and business applications for Microsoft 365, gains greater flexibility and security with this step enabling it to concentrate on its core competencies. The agreed, comprehensive service package includes the administration of the IT landscape from the server infrastructure and network to the individual workstation, where 3U TELECOM ensures high availability of all notebooks, PCs, peripheral devices, and telecommunications solutions. The maintenance of data and information security is also entrusted to 3U TELECOM.

This order from an established IT system and product house shows that 3U has set the right strategic course for future growth within the framework of the new "Managed Services" service offering. In the ITC (Information and Telecommunication Technologies) segment, the "Managed Services" business model with its components "3U Managed Desktop", "3U Managed Private Cloud", "3U Managed Public Cloud" and "3U Managed Network" ensures recurring revenues, the share of which within 3U TELECOM’s revenues is poised to increase significantly in the future.

Frank von Orlikowski, CEO of Portal Systems AG, is looking forward to the cooperation: "We were looking for an ‚all-round carefree package‘ like that of 3U TELECOM – not only because of the challenges of hiring our own staff – but above all because it frees us up for our successful core business, for intensive customer support and for the further development of our platform and our products. 3U’s team and ideas have convinced us, and the first steps fully justify our confidence."

"We are all the more pleased about the trust of Portal Systems AG, as this means that a renowned company in the IT industry has just opted for our managed services," emphasises Uwe Knoke, Management Board member for Strategy and Business Development at 3U HOLDING AG. "This shows how sensible and useful such outsourcing can be for medium-sized companies. We relieve companies of the task of having to look after infrastructures, servers, and networks themselves, which is often perceived as a nuisance or difficult, and we see this as our contribution to digitalisation in medium-sized companies and a great market potential for 3U," adds Jörg Dießner, Vice President at 3U TELECOM GmbH.

About Portal Systems:

Portal Systems AG (/www.portalsystems.de) is one of the few system houses on the market to combine enterprise content management (ECM) and SharePoint expertise under one roof. Based on around 20 years of experience and expertise from projects with over 300 customers, it develops and markets digital solutions for document-centric business processes. The Shareflex product suite developed by Portal Systems is based on SharePoint (Online) and ranges from specialist applications such as contract management, incoming invoice processing or document control for QM systems to modern, holistic DMS/ECM with integration interfaces to the leading ERP and CRM systems.


Über die 3U HOLDING AG

3U HOLDING AG (www.3u.net) has its headquarters in Marburg, Germany, and was founded in 1997. It is the operating management and investment holding company at the head of the 3U Group For the purpose of increasing value for its shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and all stakeholders, it acquires, operates and sells companies in the three segments ITC (Information and Telecommunications Technology), Renewable Energies and SHAC (Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning Technology).The 3U Group has successful and profitable business models based on megatrends in all three segments and is striving to achieve leading positions in the market, in particular with its e-commerce business area.
3U HOLDING AG’s shares are traded on XETRA, Tradegate and on the German regional stock exchanges (ISIN: DE0005167902; identifier: UUU).

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Frauenbergstraße 31-33
35039 Marburg
Telefon: +49 (6421) 999-0
Telefax: +49 (6421) 999-1222

Dr. Joachim Fleing
Head of Investor Relations
Telefon: + 49 6421 999-1200
Fax: + 49 6421 999-1222
E-Mail: fleing@3u.net
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