Dr. Tiemo Arndt joins Reflex GmbH & Co. KG as Head of Technology

Reflex GmbH & Co. KG paper mill has appointed Tiemo Arndt as its new Head of Technology. The 44-year-old has assumed responsibility for Strategic Product Development and Technology as of September 1st. Arndt brings with him many years of experience in product development and innovation management, having studied at the Technical University of Dresden and having worked at the Papiertechnische Stiftung as Head of Research and Transfer.

Michael Sablatnig, CEO of Reflex GmbH & Co. KG: "We are pleased to welcome Tiemo Arndt, a versatile and experienced expert, at Reflex. He will further enhance the innovative power of our company. We wish him all the best in his new assignment."

Tiemo Arndt: "My goal is to increase the efficiency of the mill and to strengthen the Reflex brand with new ideas, true to the company motto:
"Our paper. Your ideas.".

For further information on Reflex GmbH & Co. KG please visit

Über die Reflex GmbH & Co. KG

Reflex GmbH & Co. KG, Dueren/Germany, produces and sells high quality, uncoated papers. For more than 160 years papers have been made on the site.

We supply fine papers for a wide range of applications. Our opaque papers are available with and without watermark, wove, smooth and embossed and are suitable for many graphical applications (company brochures, catalogues, books, etc.) Reflex is the producer of well-known paper brands like GOHRSMÜHLE, ZETA and ELEFANTENHAUT (Elephant Hide). Our translucent papers and art papers for offer a wide range of options for painting and drawing.

Reflex Trevi t is a range of wet strength label papers and also special papers for technical applications or e.g. security papers, air / mineral oil-tight packaging papers and high-quality crepe papers for many applications.

The papers are distributed worldwide under the motto: “Our Paper. Your Ideas.”

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Reflex GmbH & Co. KG
Veldener Str. 121-131
52349 Düren
Telefon: +49 (2421) 497-0
Telefax: +49 (2421) 497-437

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