CUPEX receives World Beverage Innovation Award 2022

The Saxony-based company CUPEX has received the World Beverage Innovation Award 2022 in the category "Best Manufacturing/Processing Innovation" for its COMFORT reusable lid. The award, launched by British FoodBev Media Ltd. honoring innovation and excellence across all categories in the global beverage industry. Over 150 entries from 17 countries in 22 categories competed for the award at this year’s 20th edition. The award ceremony took place as part of the drinktec trade fair in Munich from September 12th to 16th.

With the combination of improved functional properties and assured sustainability, the CUPEX® COMFORT reusable lid aims to completely replace the widespread single-use plastic lids. It is based on the Easy Slide Lid technology, a smart design solution with three easy-to-connect individual parts. CUPEX has patented this self-developed technology.

Instead of the small drinking hole of usual to-go lids, this innovative lid has a large oval opening, which enables a drinking experience like from a coffee cup. To ensure that nothing leaks out or spills over, the CUPEX reusable lid has a closure that can be operated with one hand. With a simple sliding motion, it is closed and opened again. After use it can be easily cleaned, by hand or in the dishwasher.

In contrast to the disposable lids, which are often made of non-reusable single-use plastic, this to-go lid is made of high-quality, dimensionally stable polypropylene (PP) without the addition of other plastics and is therefore easily recyclable. It is tasteless and odorless and 100% free of toxic BPA and acryl nitrite.

For coffee on the go – on foot, on the train or in the car – the CUPEX® COMFORT reusable lid, weighing only 13 g, is the long-lasting, sustainable alternative. It fits all cups with a standard diameter of 90 mm, not only the common disposable paper cups, but also the current reusable cups from Starbucks, McDonalds or Tiffin Loop.

drinktec, the leading international trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry, took place this year from September 12th to 16th at the exhibition center in Munich. The fair welcomed over 1,002 exhibitors from 55 countries and almost 50,000 visitors from 169 countries. With more than 700 innovations and solutions, it is a source of innovation and inspiration for the industry.

FoodBev Media was founded in 2000 and accompanies all developments, trends and innovations in the international food and beverage industry. As one of the leading companies in the industry, it offers comprehensive analyzes and reports both in the form of printed magazines and digitally. In addition to the World Food Innovation Awards, FoodBev Media also hosts the World Dairy Innovation Awards.

The website provides detailed information about CUPEX

Über die CUPEX GmbH

CUPEX® – the better lid for cups – ist ein im Jahr 2021 gegründetes Startup aus Bautzen. Es hat sich dem Thema schwappsicher verschließbare Coffee-to-go-Deckel mit großer Trinköffnung verschrieben.

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