Crypto miner hosting despite increased energy prices

Smart IT Alliance GmbH

The topic of #crypto #miner #hosting is becoming more and more popular and interesting.

How does crypto mining behave at locations in Europe and neighboring countries?

Increasing #energy prices since the #Ukraine- / #Russia #warstarted.

Inexpensive electricity contracts are not being renewed and the fear of investing is increasing. In this article you will find out how you can safely and #profitably enter #cryptomining despite the situation.

Why crypto mining in Germany / Europe is only worthwhile to a limited extent

The #electricity contracts concluded in recent years are currently no longer being extended. Farewell to German electricity prices of less than EUR 0.20. Electricity providers can no longer be tied to an acceptable electricity price. Only high electricity contracts can be concluded, which are upwards from 0.30 – 0.40 EUR/kWh. With these electricity prices, pure #BitcoinMining is no longer worthwhile in #Germany, since the electricity costs are higher than the income per month.

With various #altcoins, returns of approx. 1-2% per month can still be achieved in Germany, but here too the underlying electricity price is very important. The returns for a comparable #MiningFarm, at one of our hosting locations in the #USA, are between approx. 7-12% per month. The bigger the investment, the bigger the return.

We offer multiple hosting locations worldwide. If you have a location with the appropriate electricity capacity, we can set up just the mining farm for you if you wish. Depending on the location, hosting is also possible with us.

There are a few things to consider, in the supposedly cheaper countries such as #Czech Republic, #Hungary, #Norway, #Sweden, #Switzerland, #Portugal etc. a massive upward trend in electricity prices can be seen. It remains to be seen what the price of electricity will look like next year and whether the upward trend will continue on a massive scale. experts assume. In general, for example in Germany, this depends on many factors.

Will Germany still not get gas from Russia?

Will Germany go fully electric, requiring even more energy?

Will the nuclear power plants in Germany be put back into operation?

What about the coal power plants?

So the uncertainty accumulates and there remain question after question and the answer uncertain.

So if you want to set up your planned mining farm investment in Germany, in the EU, or in the nearby countries, you should ask yourself whether it would be self-sufficient with alternative energy sources. If so, the start of crypto mining can be presented profitably. If you still need the right battery storage for a self-sufficient mining farm, we can also help you with this solution. Over the years, our network of partners has become very extensive, making us a strong partner for you in all areas of crypto mining.

So if you have your own PV stand-alone system or your own hydroelectric power plant, you can also profitably operate crypto mining at your location.

Why we attach so much importance to high quality
The Smart IT Alliance GmbH stands for a high quality standard, offers excellent service, the highest possible location security and redundant power connection for the perfect process. Our requirement is not to be the cheapest, but to be the best provider.

Maybe you know the saying my grandmother used to say: “If you buy cheap, you buy twice”.

We stand for quality and satisfaction.

How is the process?

Step 1. Individual advice. Arrange a callback, video call, or a personal meeting with us.

Step 2. We will make you an offer according to your wishes and needs.

Advice and the preparation of an offer are, of course, free of charge.

Step 3. You sit back and let us take care of all the transactions.

Convince yourself of us.


Über die Smart IT Alliance GmbH

Die Smart IT Alliance GmbH, spezialisiert auf die Lieferung von Crypto Mining Hardware und Crypto Mining Farmen, begeistert ihre Kunden mit durchdachten Systemzusammenstellungen, Strom- und Wärmekonzepten, IT Sicherheit, Profis für die Umsetzung und außergewöhnlich schnellen Lieferungen. Durch den Betrieb der eigenen Crypto Mining Farmen wurden bereits unzählige Miner Konfigurationen getestet, Probleme gelöst und ideale Umsetzungen für alle möglichen Varianten live erprobt.

Häufig kommen die Kunden auf die Smart IT Alliance GmbH zu, mit der Bitte, ein schlüssiges Gesamtkonzept zu entwerfen und umzusetzen – vom blanken Boden aus oder gar ganz ohne passender Immobilie für die Mining Farm. Wer Kunde bei der Smart IT Alliance GmbH werden darf, kann sich einer unbeschreiblich engen Kundenbindung, Full Service, Sonderangeboten und blitzschnellen Umsetzungen erfreuen. So wurde alleine für die schnellere Umsetzung der Lieferungen aus Asien eine eigene Tochtergesellschaft in Hong Kong gegründet mit Mitarbeitern vor Ort.

Der wichtigste Punkt an der gesamten Herangehensweise der Smart IT Alliance GmbH ist, dass bei jedem Kunden nicht nur die eine Lieferung sondern das Gesamtkonzept gesehen und immer im Blick gehalten wird. Ansonsten können die Miner in dem Büro, Lagerhalle oder neuen Mining Farm nicht angeschlossen werden, weil der Stromanschluss doch nicht für die hohe Dauerlast reicht, die Wärme nicht abtransportiert werden kann, die IT Sicherheit nicht gegeben ist, der Lärm nicht beachtet wurde oder oder oder.

Und damit der steuerliche KO Schlag später nicht kommt, empfiehlt die Smart IT Alliance GmbH eindringlich jedem Kunden den erfahrensten Steuer- und Unternehmensrecht Experten Herrn Thomas Breit direkt von Anfang an mit ins Boot zu holen.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Smart IT Alliance GmbH
TecCenter 1
31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Telefon: +49 (5063) 6329-790
Telefax: +49 (5063) 6329-799

Jennifer Behrens
Telefon: 05063-6329790
Fax: 05063-6329799
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