Exertis Pro AV makes it simple

Since the beginning of April 2022, Exertis Pro AV has been relying on an adapted contact structure that offers customers new benefits and makes the customer journey a comprehensive experience with five contact hubs.

Think Solutions is the daily claim at Exertis Pro AV to offer customers suitable solutions and products in the application areas of conference room, digital signage and audio as well as signal management up to broadcast, streaming and education.

Within the sales department, the goal is to put customers quickly and efficiently in touch with the right contact person in order to keep the complex range of topics as simple as possible. Focussing on the customer journey, a new e-mail and telephone contact structure with five knowledge columns has now been implemented for this purpose. These columns are divided into the areas order acceptance and organization, consulting and quotation preparation for commercial products, consulting and quotation preparation for integration products, project notification and project price inquiry as well as technical support. For each column, a team consisting of several people provides customers with targeted information on specific inquiries as well as solution-oriented advice. These specific information points help with orientation and ensure optimum communication in the customer journey from the very first contact to advice and after-sales support. Through specific account management, fixed contact persons are also assigned for existing customers to support them with advice and assistance in their daily business. More information on segmentation and contact persons can be found on the Exertis Pro AV website.

For Mike Hommel, Marketing Director at Exertis Pro AV, the new contact structure is an important step towards even more value add and service-oriented thinking: "As a performance partner, we make the complex AV business easier for our customers. For this purpose, we very clearly present market-specific solutions for the areas of Education, Broadcast, Digital Signage, UCC and Collaboration, as well as Hotel & Gastronomy. In this way, our partners can experience a precisely tailored, transparent approach with a recognizable common thread, which they can in turn pass on to their end customers".

Michael Sänger, Sales Director at Exertis Pro AV, adds: "Our new contact structure enables quick collaboration between us and our partners in a targeted manner – from the first contact to after-sales support. In short, each customer has a dedicated contact person who works with them to put together or develop pragmatic and workable solutions. In addition, we ensure rapid processing with our project reporting tool – thus, we make extraordinary happen."

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Isabel Blum
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-462
E-Mail: Isabel.Blum@exertisproav.de
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