InfraTec’s New Digital Detector

Analogue pyroelectric detectors from InfraTec have been used in a number of different customer applications for over 30 years. These have now been joined by a new range of digital pyroelectric detectors. Alongside the 4-channel detector, InfraTec has also developed the LID-2322: a compensated 2-channel detector in the TO39 housing which is primarily intended for gas analysis devices.

Compact design – versatile applications

The two-channel LID-2322 is ideal for mobile devices thanks to its small and compact housing and can also run on batteries. It is suitable for use in harsh environments, as the optional thermal compensation reduces the effect of external fluctuations. The integrated I²C communication interface with up to 1 MHz (fast mode plus – FM+) enables the measured values to be read out immediately via a PC or microcontroller in a reliable, standardised manner. Apart from the power supply connections, only two additional connections are required for operation of the detector to allow it to be parameterised and read out. This keeps the external hardware requirements to a minimum and makes it much easier to integrate the detector into the application. Using the additional clock input makes it possible to synchronise the radiator and the detector clock, allowing highly precise signal evaluation with a stable frequency.

Special features of the digital detector

Like all detectors from InfraTec, the digital detector is based on lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) as sensor material. In contrast to other materials, LiTaO3 offers a good signal-to-noise ratio and high sensitivity without additional cooling or temperature stabilisation. All of the internal signal processing is carried out by an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit). The signal generated by the pyroelectric elements is amplified in this circuit and then digitised with a
16-bit A/D converter. In contrast to analogue detectors, this allows the detector parameters to be flexibly configured in order to optimise the signal processing. The spatial concentration and shielding of the entire signal conversion and, in particular, the interference-prone analogue lines of the detector offer improved electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Another special feature is the “fast recovery after saturation” function. This function detects the override due to a defective operating status or external override and automatically resets the analogue input stage within a few milliseconds. This significantly reduces the time it takes for a measuring system to be ready for use again after starting or after temperature changes.

All in all, the LID-2322 offers excellent flexibility and functionality combined with easy system integration in the standard TO39 housing.

Über InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik

Die InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik wurde 1991 gegründet und hat ihren Stammsitz in Dresden. Das inhabergeführte Unternehmen beschäftigt mehr als 200 Mitarbeiter und verfügt über eigene Entwicklungs-, Fertigungs- und Vertriebskapazitäten.

Mit dem Geschäftsbereich Infrarot-Messtechnik zählt InfraTec zu den führenden Anbietern kommerzieller Wärmebildtechnologie. Neben der High-End-Kameraserie ImageIR® und der Produktfamilie VarioCAM® High Definition bietet das Unternehmen schlüsselfertige thermografische Automationslösungen.

Infrarot-Sensoren mit elektrisch durchstimmbaren Filtern auf MOEMS-Basis zählen neben spektral ein- und mehrkanaligen Infrarot-Detektoren zu den Produkten des Geschäftsbereiches Infrarot-Sensorik. Die Detektoren kommen z. B. bei der Gasanalyse, der Feuer- und Flammensensorik sowie der Spektroskopie zum Einsatz.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Str. 61 – 63
01217 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 82876-0
Telefax: +49 (351) 82876-543

Stephan Braun
Telefon: +49 (351) 82876-700
Fax: +49 (351) 82876-543
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