Largest investment volume in Bauder’s history

Paul Bauder GmbH & Co KG decided the largest investment volume in the company’s history within the next five years. The roof system manufacturer from Stuttgart is optimistic about the future, as the products make a significant contribution to sustainably reducing CO2-emissions from buildings in Europe. At the same time, this will strengthen the delivery reliability of the products in order to continue to be the most reliable partner for merchants and processors in the future.

The media continue to report on the ongoing tight general supply of raw materials in the construction industry. Corona, the high demand for building materials, shortages due to production stoppages and in particular the very tense situation in the logistics sector worldwide are causing supply bottlenecks throughout Europe. These factors also led to temporary shortages of finished goods at the family-owned company Bauder in 2021.  

Bauder expects demand for roofing materials to remain high in Europe. A high-quality and efficient building envelope will be indispensable for both new construction and renovation in order to reduce CO2-emissions from the building sector.

Therefore, the far-reaching decision was made to invest in the product areas polyurethan rigid foam, bituminous membranes, single ply (FPO and PVC) and liquid waterproofing. This means that existing production facilities will be expanded and new plants will be built in order to continue to offer the best possible reliability to merchants and processors across Europe in the future.

The new plants are state-of-the-art in terms of energy and resource efficiency. A large part of the electrical requirements are covered by the company’s own photovoltaic systems, production waste is recycled and other emissions are reduced to a minimum by market-leading technologies.

Plant expansions

  • Schwepnitz plant near Dresden

At the existing plant in Schwepnitz, the production of high-quality singly ply FPO membranes will be supplemented by a further production line. This will double the current capacity. The construction of a new production facility for single ply PVC membranes is also in full swing at the same location. This will make Schwepnitz the largest and most modern plant for the production of single ply waterproofing membranes in Europe.

  • Plant Bruck near Vienna

A new line for the production of bituminous waterproofing membranes for the markets of south-eastern Europe and Austria will be built in the existing building.

As polyurethan rigid foam is also becoming increasingly important in these countries, a new production facility for this high-performance insulation material will also be built here.

  • Plant in Landsberg near Halle

The extremely pleasing development in the area of liquid waterproofing has led to the decision to build a separate production plant including laboratory on the premises of the plant in Landsberg. In future, PU-based liquid waterproofing will be produced here.  

New plant

  • New plant in Alsace

The increasing demand for bitumenious membranes and PU rigid foam in southern Germany, France and Switzerland is also growing. Therefore, a new plant for the production of both materials will be built in Drusenheim in Alsace. This will ensure short distances to the regions mentioned.

The total sum of the planned investments amounts to more than 100 million euros. The plant expansions and new buildings will result in the hiring of nearly 200 additional employees. In addition, sales will also be further expanded in all European markets. "We want to be the most attractive employer in our industry throughout Europe," says Managing Director Tim Bauder.  

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Paul Bauder GmbH & Co. KG
Korntaler Landstraße 63
70499 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 8807-0
Telefax: +49 (711) 8807-300

Wolfgang Holfelder
Telefon: +49 (711) 8807-289
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