#HierWirdGeimpft: MAN participates in national campaign week

As part of the campaign week from September 13 to September 19, 2021, the federal and state governments are calling for a joint Germany-wide vaccination campaign under the slogan "#HierWirdGeimpft" (Get vaccinated here). The aim is to create easy-to-use vaccination opportunities in many places in Germany so that as many people as possible can be vaccinated – MAN Truck & Bus is also taking part, continuing its own successful vaccination campaign.

  • Around 7,000 vaccinations already carried out by employees at MAN’s German sites
  • Uncomplicated vaccination option during working hours as well as additional counseling offers
  • 500 vaccinations of relatives since the beginning of July 2021

Since the start of vaccination in the company in June 2021, the company doctors at the German MAN Truck & Bus sites have already carried out around 7000 vaccinations of colleagues against SARS-COV2. Their relatives also have the opportunity to be vaccinated at MAN. So far, 500 people have already taken advantage of this offer to counteract the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, the Health Service is using the current campaign week as an opportunity to offer additional consultation appointments for employees who have been undecided up to now under the campaign slogan #HierWirdGeimpft. During this process, questions about the disease and vaccines can be clarified in a confidential atmosphere during a personal consultation on site, by phone or video conference.

"As part of the National Immunization Strategy, we are pleased to continue to provide support to help ensure rapid immunization. We are very pleased that the offer of vaccination has already been taken up in large numbers by employees, as well as their families, to help stop the pandemic. The campaign week is an opportunity to continue to provide information about the risks of COVID19 infection and to promote vaccination," said Dr. Oliver Breitkopf, Chief Medical Officer at MAN Truck & Bus SE, drawing an interim conclusion. He and his colleagues have already been offering voluntary vaccinations for employees at the German sites since June 8, 2021, and for their relatives since the beginning of July.

"Only together can we contain the Corona pandemic. Vaccination is an essential way back to normality," also emphasizes Andreas Tostmann, CEO at MAN Truck & Bus. "That’s why it was absolutely clear to us that we would participate in the nationwide vaccination week."

The vaccination offer complements the existing protective measures at MAN Truck& Bus. Among other things, it includes a comprehensive testing concept with PCR, as well as rapid antigen tests in the event of suspected cases and corona infections in the workforce. "The overriding goal remains to interrupt chains of infection at an early stage, in addition to vaccinations, as the most effective means of preventing a disease," explains Dr. Breitkopf. In addition, two optional self-tests per week will continue to be offered at MAN in Germany. MAN sites in countries outside Germany participate in the respective vaccination campaigns and vaccination strategies in place there.

Über MAN Truck & Bus SE

MAN Truck & Bus is one of Europe’s leading commercial vehicle manufacturers and transport solution providers, with an annual revenue of more than 9,5 billion euros (2020). The company’s product portfolio includes vans, trucks, buses/coaches and diesel and gas engines along with services related to passenger and cargo transport. MAN Truck & Bus is a company of TRATON SE and employs more than 37,000 people worldwide.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

MAN Truck & Bus SE
Dachauer Straße 667
80995 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 1580-01
Telefax: +49 (89) 1503972

Anne Katrin Wieser
Telefon: +49 (89) 1580-4744
E-Mail: Anne-Katrin.Wieser@man.eu
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