Matthias Fuchs is new Exertis Pro AV Sales Representative for NewTek

Matthias Fuchs joins the Exertis Pro AV field sales team as an expert for NewTek solutions on July 1, 2021.

At the beginning of June, Exertis Pro AV has already announced the partnership with NewTek as a portfolio expansion in Germany, Austria and Switzerland concerning professional digital video production systems. With Matthias Fuchs (38) from Vienna, Exertis Pro AV now strengthens the sales team with an experienced expert for this technology.

Matthias Fuchs has already gained a lot of industry experience in his career and is considered as very qualified in insider circles. As a department manager at Teltec in Vienna, Matthias Fuchs not only worked in the office, but was also responsible for the practical installation of NewTek projects and is therefore very familiar with the solutions for IP-based software in the video production environment.

Über Exertis AV

Exertis Pro AV, formerly COMM-TEC, has been for more than 30 years one of the largest and most renowned value-add distributors for AV media technology in Europe and has been part of DCC Technology Trading/Exertis since 2019. The company headquarters is located in Uhingen near Stuttgart and distributes the products of more than 60 well-known manufacturers. The business units "Digital Signage & Media Solutions", "Collaboration & UCC", "Signal Management", "Pro Audio & Control", "Display Solutions" as well as "Racks & Mounts" provide master technicians, system integrators and architects with the optimal hardware for their requirements. Exertis Pro AV acts strongly according to its claim "Think Solutions": it creates a consciousness for thinking and acting in terms of solutions, and for offering solutions. Exertis Pro AV supplies everything from one source, from planning through consultation to implementation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Markus Kreuzer
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-250
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