New HMF website goes online with fresh design and smart logo

The new website focusses on innovative and cross-technology communication solutions as well as the HMF service portfolio. The appealing layout with new imagery and the clear navigation structure offer greater user-friendliness, all the information can be accessed quickly and easily. The content orientation is also new – with just a few clicks, visitors to the website can find out directly, for example, about the business- and mission-critical communication solutions for the various application areas, the latest broadband products or innovations from HMF. "You have the requirements – we offer you the right solutions," says Dr Katharina Tadje, Chief Marketing Officer.

New logo: HMF smart solutions

“By relaunching the website, we are underlining what makes us special: we are a modern, pioneering and globally active company with German roots. As a provider of customised turnkey solutions, our strengths lie in project-related development, planning and implementation. Everything from a single source,” explains Dr Katharina Tadje. “We are proud of this and we want to place more emphasis on our core area of expertise to the outside world. That’s why, in addition to the website and our new corporate design with a modern look and feel, we are also presenting our new company logo: HMF smart solutions.”

The new website can now be found online at .

Über die HMF Smart Solutions GmbH

Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH (HMF), based in Bad Münder, Germany, has been developing and implementing customised, mission-critical communication solutions in the field of professional mobile radio for more than 40 years. HMF is an established specialist for technologies such as TETRA, LTE/5G and DMR, offering easily available and secure radio communication solutions for industrial, utility and transport companies, the oil and gas industry as well as for security and rescue forces among others. HMF regards itself as a holistic solution provider whose core expertise is comprehensive project support from a single source – from development and planning to implementation, including services and network operation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HMF Smart Solutions GmbH
Fritz-Hahne-Straße 7
31848 Bad Münder
Telefon: +49 (5042) 998-0
Telefax: +49 (5042) 998-105

Dr. Katharina Tadje
Chief Marketing Officer
Telefon: +49 (5042) 998-0
Fax: +49 (5042) 998-105
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