The first two models were delivered to Rajapalayam Mills Ltd. in 2019 and are performing well there. “These machines are working at highest production and produce high quality warp beams, enabling the successful performance of our weaving machines. The KARL MAYER ISOWARP made in India is real value for money and is on par with the machines made in Germany,” says Mr Mohana Rengan, the company’s Chief Operating Officer.
This year, the innovative machine is once again playing an important role. In spring 2021, a demo centre featuring the ISOWARP as its centrepiece is set to open at KARL MAYER’s Indian site in Ahmedabad. Here, customers will be wowed by the performance of the warp preparation system and can carry out specific processing tests.
High flexibility plus product quality
The ISOWARP sectional warping machine complements the premium PROWARP® version as a model suitable for the commodity market. Since its launch, it has been continuously adapted together with the associated GH creel in terms of structure and complexity to meet local conditions and diverse customer requirements. Nowadays, a complete family of machines is on offer. The main additions are versions offering new working widths and performance characteristics relating to beaming tensioning and warping speed, for example, which open up completely new applications. Initially designed for shirt production, the ISOWARP can now also be used for household textiles and terry cloths, and for processing filament yarns, among others.
The ISOWARP impresses with its efficiency and quality across all applications. Warp preparation productivity can be significantly increased compared to equipment using conventional counterparts. The quality of the warp beams meets the same high standards as all KARL MAYER machines. It enables an efficiency increase in the weaving mill of 2 to 6%, and is particularly based on high-precision band structure control, which is managed by state-of-the-art software.
What’s more, the ISOWARP requires almost no maintenance and only a few spare parts.
KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Industriestraße 1
63179 Obertshausen
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-0
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