primion Technology installs Access Control system at BER Airport

primion Technology GmbH is responsible for the development and commissioning of the primion Access Control systems at Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt Airport (BER). With the integrated prime WebAccess software, access rights for up to 80,000 people are managed in a uniform system.

primion, a subsidiary of the Azkoyen Group, is one of the leading providers of Access Control, Time and Attendance and Security Technology in Europe. In addition to numerous installations in industry, at service providers and in high-security areas, as well as for the German Federal Armed Forces, primion had also supplied its Access Control products to all airports in the capital region: for the former Tegel and Alt-Schönefeld airports and now for BER. The group has a firm agreement with BER to supply hardware and services for the operation of the Access Control solution.

The new airport is located in the German state of Brandenburg, on the southern border with Berlin, and was commissioned on 31st October 2020. The primion project "ZK-System FBB" (FBB stands for Flughafen Berlin-Brandenburg) included the installation of 882 IDT 32 Access Control devices, 3,957 LEGIC advant® readers and 2,439 pKT digital cylinders. In addition, 50 biometric readers were integrated into the system. They control all access points at the security-relevant transition points between landside and airside. With the integrated prime WebAccess software, access rights for up to 80,000 people are managed in a uniform system.

Airport solutions with a focus on personal security

Secure Access Control and reliable badge management is essential at the airport to ensure the safety of employees, service providers and travellers. Thousands of employees work in airports and their access rights must be managed and documented. The software and hardware for this comes from primion and is developed and manufactured there in-house. Depending on the customer’s requirements, primion provides its experience and know-how for the installation and maintenance of the components and is available to its airport customers as a competent partner for support. Through technology, efficiency and a forward-looking attitude, the Azkoyen Group has been providing leading solutions for automated products and services such as Access Control, Time and Attendance and integrated Security solutions under the primion brand for more than 25 years.

About Azkoyen Group

Grupo Azkoyen S.A. is a multinational company based in Navarra (Spain) that specialises in the design, manufacture, and marketing of technological solutions for electronic payment, control and security systems, mechatronic solutions, and vending machines. The group consists of three major business units: Coffee & Vending Systems with the brands Azkoyen and Coffetek, Payment Technologies with the brands Coges, Azkoyen Payment Technologies and Cashlogy, and Time & Security with the brands primion, GET, Digitek and Opertis.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

primion Technology GmbH
Steinbeisstraße 2 – 5
72510 Stetten
Telefon: +49 7573 952-0
Telefax: +49 7573 92034

Susanne Christmann
Head of Group Marketing
Telefon: +49 (7573) 952-546
Fax: +49 (7573) 920-34
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