COMM-TEC rebrands as Exertis Pro AV, setting the stage for a new era of Pro AV distribution

COMM-TEC, a leading full-range provider of AV / IT media technology and digital signage solutions for corporate and residential sectors, will rebrand as Exertis Pro AV as of February 01st 2021, setting the stage for a new era of distribution. With a new look, a new name and even better access to first-class products and suppliers, customers will thus benefit from an even broader range of offerings. Of course, the well-known excellent solutions and services as well as the familiar and trusted contact persons will remain. Also as the new brand, the value-add distributor will continue to attach great importance to a good, long-term partnership with both customers and manufacturers, and will continue to offer excellent all-round service and support offerings according to the motto "Think Solutions".

Since July 2019, COMM-TEC is part of DCC Technology Trading/Exertis, a leading sales, marketing and service partner for global technology brands in consumer, business and enterprise sectors. The affiliation with DCC Technology Trading/Exertis opens up great advantages and synergy effects for COMM-TEC and enables customers and manufacturers to access an expanded product portfolio and service offering.

According to Rainer Sprinzl, Managing Director DACH of COMM-TEC, with Exertis Pro AV as a specialized distribution partner, manufacturers and customers benefit from the product expertise of a passionate team around the world. Our goal is to remain the first choice for all Pro AV needs.

The ability to instantly access other Exertis Group divisions makes Exertis Pro AV unique. This ensures that there are no gaps in the provided range of solutions or additional services along the value chain. Exertis thus offers added value at every stage in the sense of holistic consulting and thinking in solutions in line with the motto "Make the extraordinary happen".

By working with a vast network of partner companies, Exertis Pro AV knows the best matching product combinations for all customer requirements. These packaged solutions are fully customizable and often include digital signage, video and even drone technology.

According to Tim Griffin, managing director of parent company DCC Technology, the global brand realignment signals the start of a new era in worldwide specialist distribution and single-source supply chain management.

"This is more than a new name. All Exertis owned companies are working together to provide a global platform for our manufacturers to access a single, easy-to-manage gateway to a world of Pro AV resellers and end-user customers," said Griffin. "With Exertis as specialist distribution partner, manufacturers can benefit from the product and category expertise of our passionate team members across the world. We can scale at a rapid rate and provide financial resources and supply chain solutions expertise."

Exertis Pro AV has a dedicated sales team which delivers the highest level of advice and consultation. As well as a highly experienced technical support team, they also boast specialists in LED and emerging technologies, and a solutions team with access to a massive range of vendors, categories and products. The full suite of products covers display solutions, UC and collaboration, professional audio and control, digital signage and media solutions, as well as racks and mounts.

"We offer an unbeatable combination of an ever-expanding portfolio of products and vendors, top-class professional services on-demand, endless resource and expertise at our fingertips and the ability to provide end-to-end solutions from one source. Now, more than ever, Exertis Pro AV can serve as the go-to choice for everyone’s professional AV needs," said Griffin.

About Exertis Group

Exertis is the leading technology distributor of consumer, business and enterprise products from pioneering technology brands, playing an integral role in supplying the world with cutting-edge tech. Over forty years Exertis has distributed the technology that transforms societies and facilitates the world’s transition to digital. These days Exertis distributes everything from AV solutions to AI-powered smart-tech.

Exertis is powered by the mantra ‚our people, our customers, our business‘ and its reach is global. A wholly owned subsidiary of parent company DCC PLC, a FTSE 100 company, it has offices in Europe, North America, Middle East and China, representing 2,400 brands. In 2020 it had a turnover of £3.913 billion. As technology evolves, so does Exertis.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Markus Kreuzer
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-250
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