26 years ago, Dr Axel Hunsche, Therese Havemann and Klaus Havemann decided to found
TesT. At that time, they were already able to contribute their experience and expertise in measurement and testing technology and mechanical engineering as a tried and tested team. This is how they laid a strong foundation for a company which has been successful to this day.
The founding generation is happy to see the second generation follow to commit to the SME family business. Julia Kiewitter (née Hunsche), Arne Havemann and Jan Havemann succeed to the management of TesT from 2021 as co-managing directors. The successors have already been well established in the company for years and have passed through all company divisions in various roles. In addition, due to their respective education in business administration, physics and mechanical engineering, the new management trio ideally complements each other professionally regarding the orientation of the company. At the annual company anniversary celebration in October 2020, the baton was already ceremoniously passed to the next generation in the form of a spanner. Julia Kiewitter, Arne Havemann and Jan Havemann are looking forward to embarking onto the future – together with the entire TesT family.
Über die TesT GmbH
Meet the German engineering experts for testing machines and measuring systems. TesT GmbH is delivering high quality solutions and services for components and materials testing since 1994. Contact via test@test-gmbh.com
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
TesT GmbH
Schützenstraße 102
42659 Solingen
Telefon: +49 (211) 2099030
Telefax: +49 (211) 209903201
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