Active environmental protection with distillation units by D.W. RENZMANN

Climate and immission protection regulations make specific demands on cleaning processes, such as the restrictive use of solvents. Distillation model  ROTOmaX vaporizes and condenses used solvent in a sustainable process, minimizing the quantity of highly viscous waste. Once the solvent in the distillation vessel reaches a predefined level, distillation starts automatically. The solvent is heated via an insulated, level heating floor until it boils and vaporizes. At the end of the distillation process, approx. 94 percent of the high-quality solvent can be reused in various areas.

Fully automated distillation

Once the solvent in the boiler reaches a predefined level, filling stops automatically and distillation begins. An agitator with scrapers (rotor) keeps the heating surfaces free of residues and ensures an optimum heat transfer at all times. After condensation, the rotor automatically transports the reduced residue into a disposal container – manual intervention or cleaning is not required. The easy-to-read display of the ROTOmaX shows the heating temperature, filling quantity, refilling quantity, residue quantity and distilled solvent quantity at a single glance.

Waste reduction cuts costs

The ROTOmaX is a highly efficient system that recovers up to 94 percent of the used solvent, which can then be reused for cleaning. This greatly reduces the need for fresh, expensive solvent, eliminates transportation costs and minimizes the effort and cost involved in residue disposal. Users profit not just by lower expenses; they also make an important contribution to the protection of our environment.

Über die RENZMANN GmbH

RENZMANN GmbH develops and manufactures industrial washing machines and solvent distillation units for the printing industry as well as for paint and coatings manufacturers. With more than 50 years of experience in the business, the ATEX-certified manufacturer is a competent partner for the eco-friendly and efficient cleanings of highly adhesive residues from press components and accessories. The medium-sized company located in Monzingen, in south-western Germany, also specializes in the handling of flammable solvents and aggressive cleaning agents. In addition to developing, manufacturing and marketing cleaning and distillation systems, RENZMANN GmbH offers a comprehensive range of services and advice relating to industrial cleaning processes. With an international network of more than 75 agencies and sales partners, RENZMANN GmbH serves its customers around the world.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Industriestraße 1
55569 Monzingen
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-0
Telefax: +49 (6751) 878-111

Heike Beenen
Marketing & Sales
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-290
Fax: +49 (6751) 8785291
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