COMM-TEC Exertis appointed as Ashly Audio distributor

COMM-TEC Exertis expands its portfolio in the field of professional audio technology with products from Ashly Audio. The product range includes intelligent multi-mode DSP-loaded power amplifiers, matrix processors, compact digital mixing consoles, digital signal processors, loudspeakers, and proprietary software to set up and configure the products. With Ashly Audio’s innovative audio systems, COMM-TEC Exertis offers its partners in Europe the right solutions for almost any application: from live set-up, office space and conference rooms to background sound in bars and restaurants.

Ashly Audio is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of professional signal processors and amplifiers for fixed installations and mobile audio systems. With the All-in-One mXa-1502, Ashly combines mixing console, DSP and amplifier in one rack unit. In combination with the included software "AquaControl" it allows fully automatic operation in churches, conference rooms and similar installations up to 4 sound reinforcement zones. The device provides 14 audio inputs and two power outputs, that deliver 150 W RMS each to 2-8 Ohm loudspeakers or to 100 V lines. Two separately controllable line outputs allow to connect more amplifiers. The heart of the mXa-1502 is the extensively equipped 12 x 4 matrix with feedback suppression, automatic mixer and DSP algorithms. The mXa-1502 provides a time control function for the automation of one-time as well as recurring processes. Optional user interfaces based on hardware or software allow for control of pre-defined parameters in individual control ranges. Thus, the end user has easy access without being able to do much wrong.

"Ashly Audio has a first-class reputation for outstanding sound quality, technical flexibility, reliability and longevity, which perfectly complements the COMM-TEC portfolio," says Carsten Steinecker, Managing Director of Business Development at COMM-TEC. "Thus, customers benefit from high-quality All-in-One solutions for almost all application areas and COMM-TEC strengthens its position as a solution-oriented full-range supplier in the market," Steinecker continues.

"In order to further expand our range of audio solutions and provide them to an enhanced customer base, we were looking for an outstanding distributor for AV solutions in Europe. In COMM-TEC Exertis we have found the perfect partner to further expand Ashly’s distribution throughout the region," said Jim Mack, CEO of Ashly Audio, Inc. "We look forward to many exciting projects and a long-term partnership that will allow us to offer our comprehensive product range to an even wider range of customers," Mack carries on.

About Ashly Audio

Ashly Audio designs and builds innovative audio systems for churches, restaurants, hotels, schools, courtrooms, fitness and health clubs, … – for any place that needs good sound. Ashly merges easy-to-use control software, intelligent multi-mode DSP-loaded power amplifiers, matrix processors, sophisticated compact digital mixing consoles and good old school analog signal processors into practical, affordable solutions. The company was founded in 1974 by Billy Thompson in Webster, NY, and since then, the entity has placed great emphasis on sound quality, reliability and durability. Only very few companies can claim that their amplifiers and analog equipment are still actively in use after 30 or 40 years. Ashly can do that proudly!

Über Exertis AV

For more than 30 years, COMM-TEC Exertis has been one of the largest and most renowned value-add distributors for AV media technology in Europe and has been part of DCC Technology Trading/Exertis since 2019. The company headquarters is located in Uhingen near Stuttgart and distributes the products of more than 60 well-known manufacturers. The business units "Digital Signage & Media Solutions", "Collaboration & UCC", "Signal Management", "Pro Audio & Control", "Display Solutions" as well as "Racks & Mounts" provide master technicians, system integrators and architects with the optimal hardware for their requirements. COMM-TEC acts strongly according to its claim "Think Solutions": it creates a consciousness for thinking and acting in terms of solutions, and for offering solutions. COMM-TEC supplies everything from one source, from planning through consultation to implementation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Markus Kreuzer
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-250
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