On its 10th company anniversary, TissUse GmbH appoints Dr. Reyk Horland, previously VP Business Development, as the new CEO. Reyk Horland has been with TissUse since it was founded in 2010 and has implemented a profitable product business with a remarkable annual sales growth rate since the market launch of the HUMIMIC® technology in 2014. His business network includes leading pharmaceutical and consumer product companies as well as regulatory authorities and outstanding research institutions worldwide. "I look forward to achieving exceptional business expansion with proprietary products for meaningful drug evaluation and personalized precision medicine. With its strategic positioning, TissUse will also be able to benefit from the dynamic changes in global economic areas in the coming years," comments Reyk Horland on his appointment.
The company’s founder and former CEO, Dr. Uwe Marx, is going to concentrate on the next generation of ground-breaking innovations in his role as Chief Scientific Officer. This is where Uwe Marx will approach the remaining challenges to establish a complex systemic human biology on miniaturised chips. "We are facing technological breakthroughs in the supply of whole blood and the innervation of organ models in combination with a personalized mature immune system on the HUMIMIC® platform. I am delighted to devote all my energy to the translation of these innovations into patient benefit and animal welfare." says the pioneer in the field of multi-organ system development with his 30 years of scientific expertise. Dr. Marx will continue to actively promote the development of a strong international stakeholder community for microphysiological systems.
Über die TissUse GmbH
TissUse is a German biotech company based in Berlin that has developed a unique "Multi-Organ-Chip" technology which makes it possible to conduct preclinical, systemic safety and efficacy testing of substances using a combination of different human tissues. As a result, HUMIMIC products can play a major role in improving, simplifying, and accelerating the development of pharmaceutical, chemical, and cosmetic products.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
TissUse GmbH
Oudenarder Str. 16
13347 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 513026400
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