COMM-TEC Exertis is new distributor for Triton

With immediate effect, COMM-TEC GmbH extends its portfolio with 19" racks and accessories from Triton. COMM-TEC partners in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Eastern Europe have now access to the complete product range of one of the world’s leading manufacturers of data racks and may benefit from high quality at an attractive price/performance ratio and a two-year manufacturer’s warranty.

The high-quality racks from the Czech manufacturer Triton are characterized by the outstanding stability of the construction (maximum load: up to 400 kg), flexible door openings (door opens up to almost 180 degrees) and removable side and rear panels. The wide assortment covers almost every requirement and is also characterized by high availability.

"Triton provides excellent product quality at an attractive price and perfectly complements COMM-TEC’s portfolio in the racks segment," says Carsten Steinecker, Managing Director Business Development at COMM-TEC. "This strengthens COMM-TEC´s position as a solution-oriented supplier and offers customers an even wider range of products for any requirements," Steinecker continues.

About Triton

The company Triton Pardubice s. r. o. was founded at the end of 1993 in Pardubice, an industrial city in the center of the Czech Republic. Initially, the main activity of the company was selling components for the construction of computer networks. Due to the emergence of structured cabling and the rapid development of GSM networks, Triton started to offer also 19" racks. The strong engineering traditions in the region led to the idea of producing these racks on their own. The production was gradually expanded, and since 2001 the production and headquarters have been located in Pardubice – Starý Mateřov.

Über Exertis AV

For more than 30 years, COMM-TEC Exertis has been one of the largest and most renowned value-add distributors for AV media technology in Europe and has been part of DCC Technology Trading/Exertis since 2019. The company headquarters is located in Uhingen near Stuttgart and distributes the products of more than 60 well-known manufacturers. The business units "Digital Signage & Media Solutions", "Collaboration & UCC", "Signal Management", "Pro Audio & Control", "Display Solutions" as well as "Racks & Mounts" provide master technicians, system integrators and architects with the optimal hardware for their requirements. COMM-TEC acts strongly according to its claim "Think Solutions": it creates a consciousness for thinking and acting in terms of solutions, and for offering solutions. COMM-TEC supplies everything from one source, from planning through consultation to implementation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Markus Kreuzer
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-250
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