EMVA Covid-19 Survey 2020

During April and June 2020, the EMVA conducted a bipartite survey on the effects of the Covid-19 crisis for the machine vision industry. A standardized questionnaire was distributed by email to a wide range of industry participants, both EMVA member companies and from the wider industry.

The results were complemented and verified by a series of telephone interviews with senior managers and executives from selected companies representing as wide a cross section of the industry as possible.

The majority of participants expect a U-shaped economic development during and after the crisis. On average the survey participants anticipate the machine vision industry to contract by 17% in 2020. Customer industries related to health matters along with the food industry are expected to benefit from in the crisis while the automotive industry is seen to suffer most. Machine vision supply chains are not yet severely in danger.

Working from home is proving to be an efficient tool to maintain business operations, whereas trade shows and other business meeting opportunities are dearly missed. Although Covid-19 certainly places serious constraints to the overall economic outlook for many machine vision enterprises, participants of the survey have also identified possible opportunities for the machine vision industry arising from the global crisis.

Über European Machine Vision Association

The EMVA is a not for profit organization, open to all, which is owned by its members who represent over 120 companies, institutes, and organizations, originating from within Europe, North America, and Asia. The association seeks to represent the interests of its members and promote the vision industry in general, but also encourage cooperation and standardization. The EMVA hosts several important standards used throughout the machine vision industry including the GenICam series used to provide a consistent, device independent interface to machine vision hardware, the EMVA1288 standard used for bench-marking performance of industrial cameras, and the newly initiated Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) standard which addresses the connectivity of camera lenses within a machine vision system, and the new emVISION initiative addressing standardization within embedded vision systems. To find out more visit the web site www.emva.org.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

European Machine Vision Association
Ronda Santa Eulalia 37, nave 13
E08780 Palleja – Barcelona
Telefon: +34 (93) 1807060
Telefax: +34 (93) 1807060

Andreas Breyer
Telefon: +34 (93) 1807060
Fax: +34 (93) 1807060
E-Mail: press@emva.org
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